Why do you need a degree in quatum phyics to run trains?

Muddy Creek: Hooray for our side ! !----DCC, AC-DC, NBC, Digitrax, speaking electronic gibberish,
you’re right, twist on the wires and have some fun, some of us really don’t have to buy every bloody new electronic gadget that comes along.

Ahhh I get it now, this is a troll post.

Obviously the first poster is pulling one over on us on PI Day

March 14 at one minute until two’oclock


get it ?

3/14 1:59 (3.14159 . . . . )

We’ve all been set up

and yes today is Albert Einsteins birthday, 3.14

yes to summarise what rrinker and others have said:

the program track on the Zephyr does not have enough ooomph to program some sound-equipped BLIs (and others)

it does have enough grunt to program them on the MAIN track. To program on the main track using OPS mode (press the Prog button until it says OPS) (whover said Zephyr can’t program on the main had very limited understanding of the Zephyr).

Programming on the main is risky - make sure only one loco or other decoder is connected to the main. The idea of having a toggle switch to connect the main output to either your loco or an isolated programming track is an excellent one.

If you don’t want to take the risk or you want to program while someone else is running trains, then buy a PowerPax booster from Tony’s, which boosts power to the prog output, so you can program them on the program output in any of the other program modes PAGE OPS and DIR (as I recall them)

It drives me nuts too. Technology should just work, like the telephone (and I’m not talking about mobiles). Pick it up, get dial tone, dial. Nothing to configure, no messages… Mankind can do it when we want to.

On the Car Talk radio progam, one of the guys was talking about when he and a group of his MIT buddies were painting his apartment one day. As the sun was going down they were all looking at the bare wires hanging from the ceiling and endlessly debating if was safe to simply hook up the fixture that was laying on the floor. After a while, a neighbor stopped by to say hello, asked what the hell they were all doing painting in the dark, grabbed the light & wired her up.

Sometimes I thank God I had a Liberal Arts education and learned the technical stuff by just doing it…


Happy pi Day

I thought that the LHS was actually a Schwarzchild Singularity into which any money cast over the front entrance, AKA the event horizon, was never to be seen again.

Actually, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is violated if, and only if, you have TWO
locos sharing the circular track simultaneously AND going in the same direction. Then they would share the same four principal quantum numbers, particularily (not wavely) spin, s. The only way to avoid this is to have the locos always running in opposite directions. Then they would have different “s” values, and they would pass through each other unaffected.

Quantum mechanics does have a nifty application to complex layouts with at least two levels all running on DCC. Just think, input the appropriate CV value, and the train instantly jumps between levels. No helix needed!

All this nonsense is giving old Irwin’s cat kittens.


All this is why I prefer trains with springs and keys

WOW I didn’t think I would get this much feedback.I bought a program booster for my layout.Now all i have to do is wait.O by the way I can still run the BLI trains just 1 at a time on 03

I consulted with my psychic today in regards to your problem. She says that as soon as the moon enters its next phase, all your emotions will spontaneously resolve themselves through intensive action. I think she means you are going to start throwing trains against the wall in frustration.

That’ll be $5 dollars, please. [alien]

One wire - hook 'im up! two wire - screw 'im up! OOH! Daddy make sparks!

As Baron von Richtoven said in WWI “Attack your target. Everything else is just gibberish.” Put the track down, hook up the wires, plug in the power source, crank it up and watch the *** thing go 'round and 'round the track. Everything else is just gibberish.

As Randy said…

I don’t have a Zephyr but I do have one of their books and they say you can program on the main using OPS mode.

Amen. We Luddites are going to be a force to be reckoned with. As soon as we have the technology.
