Why doesn't Amtrak promote advertising on there trains?

Why doesn’t Amtrak promote advertising on there equipment? A billboard on rails is an easy way for Amtrak to make money if they can get companies to advertise on the side of there trains.

Please NO! Don’t we prostitute enough scenery and other things with ads.

On a trip two weeks ago from Chicago to Minneapolis on the Empire Builder, each roomette had a copy of a very glossy magazine promoting the wonders of Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado and especially the lovely ranches and mansions for $4 -$19 million dollars. What to my wondering eyes should appear but a full page ad for Amtrak’s Empire Builder featuring fine dining, etc. Makes a common fellow wonder why Amtrak would think this would be a potential passenger audience!! The advertising Amtrak does seems completly clueless, as if the “decision makers” who decide this things have never ridden on their own trains…another example of the detached nature of an outfit which resides in Washington, DC.

When no one buys your ad space, you put ads for yourself. That’s why it is there.

DC Metro can’t sell ad space on the subway very well either and as a result the #1 advertiser on Metro is Metro.

This was not an Amtrak publication…they paid for it, I would assume and got X copies to place in the Empire Builder. The Amtrak magazine Arrive in an NEC thing which ignores the rest of the nation. Apparently Arrive is pitched to the Acela crowd.