I am not a very big fan of model railroading. Here’s why.
Model railroading is really more for the appearence of the locomotives. So when I see a model of a ATSF EMD F45 roll by, I don’t hear any sounds of the EMD turbocharged engine, or the powerful Leslie Supertyfon S-3L air horn. All I hear is just a small electric motor buzzing. To me, sound is really important to my intrest in railroading. Sound, in fact, is one of the best parts of being a railfan. If all real locomotives used the same types of motors model locomotives do, it would be very boring to hear no horn and just a loud buzzing sound. Sure, you can really dally up a model locomotive, adding lots of fancy detail, and inserting one of those little sound producers you can buy, but nothing beats real railroading at all. So that is why I really don’t really enjoy model railroading. And one more thing I forgot about: I dislike the way layouts have those unrelastic curve-arounds. You can never actually build a layout with tons of straight track. Model railroading isn’t just my thing.
Well with locomotive design and smaller chips coming, i could see that an engine could sound like the real thing. but i do agree that the sound chips do sound fake.
How can you say you dont like model railroading ???
What your probably really saying is you dont like whats for sale. Most of the "fun"is making the model and seeing it work. If you can hear sounds you dont like, your standing too close. Take it outside and the birds, russling of leaves etc, or neighbours dog, will cover the sound of the electric motor. Still hear it, make a model church and play hymes, or a sawmill with the appropriate noise. If you go to G scale then you can even put your own tape recorder in it, amplify the sound and now you cant say you dont like the noise, your making it.
Plus, in all hobies you need a little imagination, not the real thing. Give a child a cheap push along model car and a upmarket one with all the bells and whistles. After a little time I bet the expensive one will be sitting there while the kid is playing with the el-cheapo, and making the sounds. Are adults really that different.
Next train show watch some of the adults, watch their lips move and could could swear that some are making chuff chuff noises, but of course not outloud !!!.
I know, you would never do that, would you?. How do you make the deisol sounds?
Sometimes we get too involved in detail, sounds and where can we buy it from rather than think what we do it for,---- fun and the pride of saying “I made that” rather than I can afford that.
Sure I would make railroad noises out loud! I can imitate most railroad noises very well, including diesel noises, and a variety of air horns. But I use these techniques to supplement a fake railroad I made up.
Each to his own, it’s no crime not to like something.
I like model trains and real trains.
They both have their advantages, it’s nice to play trainmaster and run a railroad every now and then [:)]
…on the other hand nothing beats a trio of AC4400s runnning by in notch 8 on a grade crossing with a 140 car intermodal train.
Ok, here’s some models that sound like real trains, just for you: http://www.ridingrailkits.com/index.html
Their Diesels are battery Operated, but there are Live diesels out there as well and almost all the steamers are live steams. so Even for you, there is a model train system.
Edit: more for you:
And if you really want one made:
And there are others, so you can get the sounds of a real train in a smaller size so don’t complain that you can’t find a model worthy of the real thing because they do exist.
I can see where kylerama is coming from. He is right about some of the toy-ish features model railroading inherintly(spelling) has. I totally can’t stand slightly dirty rails/wheels causing jerky motion, and the tight curves aswell. I have put the hobby on hold until I can buy that “dream” house so I can at least eliminate those tight curves and try to have the long straight-aways. But as for the sounds and other stuff that is where your imagination has to take over! It is just a hobby. I think it is unrealistic to expect that kind of realism from hobby like this. The technology is there to make it as real as possible, but $ wise - count me out. I’ll be happy to make my own diesel sounds, (and make sure nobody is around to hear me LOL)
Long tangents and broad curves … if I lived in a more temperate zone I would like to try building an outdoor HO scale railway. On the other hand, being old and crotchety, the idea of being on my hands and knees so much (to lay track and so forth) is not appealing… on the third hand, perhaps a waist-high brick planter around the outer perimeter of my yard would be the ticket. Now, let’s see, battery operation with radio remote control would make cleaning the rails not much of an issue - or, with a little work on it, the track could be used for prototypical signalling circuits… then, I suppose, hinged covers over the planter could protect the line from the elements…
My yard is too small for 1:1 railroading with all the locos and rolling stock I want, and I’m too poor to have all that 1:1 equipment. If all my models were full size, I wouldn’t have anywhere to put them.
My budget might allow a nice set of airhorns, crossing gate, and Crossbucks.
What the heck, can’t afford the fancy cars either, but the die cast Gallardo and a few others satisfy the desire in 1:18 and I get to have a 1:50 PCC trolley.
Real trains are usually pretty boring, and the locos look pretty much the same, as the the blocks of Autocars, coal, containers.
With models I get to run P42’s and Superliners and ATSF E8A/B with Budds.
The only thing I don’t like about model railroading is that the expence of all the model railroad equipment! But all in all it’s a good investment after I get the trains up and running.
I dislike model railroading just because it costs too much money!