Why not have a Toy Train/Modle Railroad Channel on TV?

Well, being the retired bum I am, got the wife off to work [yes, make her coffee, warm her car and feed the dogs], now I will drink a few cups and watch the Outdoor Channel and the Outdoor Network for a little while. Would be nice to watch a Toy/Model Railroad Channel. Could have things like the HGTV does on how to build layouts, wiring and other topics. Then have programs like the Travel Channel and visit layouts and visit parts of the country to get scenery ideas and railroads to model. OH well, just an idea.

Frank, did you read the MOVIE topic??? We ended geting sidetracked and talking about TV a bunch. Check it out, if you haven’t, and then the discussion can continue here.


The HGTV group or the Discovery group might be the place to actually try to launch something like this.

I think there was a topic like this about a month ago, but I don’t think it got much action.All of the new people here have made all of these discussions more interesting.

Nope, didn’t read the “Movie” topic. Well Elliot, you and Kalmbach [they’ve got the $$$$] get it going. The Outdoor Channel has Whistle Stops but that is not model railroading. I’ll look at the “Movie” topic. All the fishing shows this AM, I’ve seen before. [:(]

Our local cable TV station had a program called “Hobbytime” where for a 1/2 hour the host would interview some local person about their hobby.

Our train club did the show once, set up our portable O guage layout and did a show. No rehearsals, no takes, or editing, live right to the tape. What an experience. The station made copies for all of us.

Too bad the show went off the air do to lack of subject material.

HI guys,

Well It’s time to start sending E-Mails to these stations and your cable co. to show them. Maybe include the path to here so they can see our responces.


I discussed this the other day. After watching “Wings” an entire channel devoted to aircraft! I wondered, why not trains, both model and real? And, I guarantee you that more people have a model trains set than fly a private airplane. Duh!

Actually, the decision would have to boil down to one of viewer numbers and ad dollars; i.e., MONEY.

To hedge one’s bet, a TOY channel would be the solution. This toy channel could include:

Toy trains
Scale trains
Slot cars
Hot wheels

and so on.

It would NOT include dolls and stuff. Or call it “toys for boys.” Well, maybe not. Dolls & stuff could be slotted in to increase ratings.

A mere hour a day (actually 2 hours because you could repeat the show twice or 3 times a day so everyone can see it) AT LEAST would go for trains.

I’m surprised that giant Kalmbach has not already considered the idea and approached cable moguls.

In the Chicago area there is a guy that does a show that is on a public access channel.
(I can’t remember his name off hand)
In the last couple segments he is showing different techniques he is using to build his layout. i.e. track, mountains, scenery, etc.
It usealy airs weekly on Saturdays.
He also visits a local train shop on occasions.

I think a national show like this could work. You would have to cover ALL scales.
Maybe put on one each day of the week. [:D]

Lets get serious gang!! I just submitted the following to AETN. That’s the company that runs the History Channel among others. I’ll post their reply when I get one.

There are a lot of people who are interested in TRAINS, myself included. We were wondering if AETN would consider starting a new channel devoted entirely to trains. We all have enjoyed Trains Unlimited, and my friends and I have a lot of interesting ideas, around which you could build an entire lineup, from mostly existing material. The real question is, are you looking to expand? Thank you.

I’ll be very interested to see if you get a reply, Elliot. I’ve been thinking for a few years now that there needs to be a 24 hr. train channel! They have all these other specialty channels - Golf channel, Food Network, Wings, Tech TV, etc. - surely there must be room for a channel dedicated to trains of all types. Especially with all the Boomers that have gotten back into trains over the past twenty years or so. Here’s hoping! :slight_smile:

I think ChiefEagles has got the right idea with building a layout on tv.
I’ll be glad to mix some plaster ,lay track or fetch and carry plywood.[swg][(-D]

RFD-TV (on DirectTV) was showing the I Love Toy Trains series for a while, as well as the videos from OGR. And they’re always showing Trains and Locomotives, about famous routes and trains and such.

The entire day has passed, I got an auto reply imeadiately, but nothing more. Tomorrow is another day, I keep after it.[:D]

Bigboy4005, I love the Idea. Post Idea onto GR, MRR, CT, and Trains. Lets get a petition going? Ever look at total # of forum members. It’s Got to be enough!

Good morning Elliot ,

Could you share with us the e-mail address for AETN. I look at the History Channel web page, but didn’t see a link for e-mails. I have also written a letter that I would like to e-mail them.


Having a channel dedicated to all things that have to do with trains would be cool. We just need to get Lionel and other manufacturers off their duffs to sponsor the various programs.