Why Pull the "My Experience With Wholsale Buying" Thread??

Anyone know why the “My Experience With Wholesale Buying” Thread was pulled? Didn’t seem controversial to me. We need to know the experiences of our fellow trainers.


I had the same problem on the ogaugerr forums. A thread was posted with ebay rants and it seemed very popular. Supposedly it was pulled as the editor didnt personally like ebay. Kinda unprofessional i think but he has the job and i dont.

I thought it was an interesting report of what went bad on a order. I guess it falls under the, there are always two sides to a story and we are only hearing one side.

Didn’t pull it, moved it. Moved it back.

I thought it was because we trashed a specific train dealer, one that advertises in the CTT magazine.


Hello Bob:

Ops, Just saw your post. What does “moved it back” mean?


Threads can be locked, deleted or moved.When they are deleted, they are gone forever.

No, it wasn’t because of an advertiser being mentioned. He’d stated his side, people commented, and I didn’t want it to turn into a perpetual complaint thread.

Bob: So sorry to ask ( probably it is somewhere on the ‘site’ but I could not find it). What does “locked” mean? Many thanks.

It means that the thread is locked, nobody can make new posts, but it can still be read.

Bob: Now that I think about it [:I] it makes perfect sense. Thanks.

I’m confused…what’s a thread?
