SEPTA service is extended to Wawa, but:
Excellent summary.
Intresting the main protagnist is a man who owns a large Auto Dealership near WAWA If people dont have to drive then their GM cars dont reach that magic milage point when something major in the car breaks down and is out of warranty. Thus forcing to make a decision to keep the car or get a new one. (GM actualy have been caught in planned obsolence over the years),new%20models%20to%20stay%20fashionable.
Dream On, Again!
SEPTA service is extended to Wawa, but…,-84.8976447,38397m/data=!3m1!1e3
Thank You.
Wawa, Ontario is what I thought when I first saw that.
Now to get the battery car service set up between West Chester and Wawa. What I’d like to see is for the West Chester Railroad people to combine efforts with SEPTA to provide this with some amenities, as an extension of their current service.
Bigger question - Is there a Wawa Store at Wawa?
Oddly enough… no. Although there appear to be two on Baltimore Pike in Media, and two more on Baltimore Pike in Glen Mills.
(I was distressed to find that the brisket is back… and here I sit a thousand miles away, hungry.)
Head to Buc-ee’s
Every undergrad that takes a planning course and has a twitter becomes an instant urban planner. Just add light rail to taste.
If it was that easy when I went to school, I would have been one, too!
Honestly, that was my college career track. But once I noticed that all the “new” ideas being touted are all the same ideas that were being touted for the past 100 years, it seemed like a lesson in futility. Planners have a lot of ideas, but they never seem to have the next 10 words in how to fulfill their ideas. Or that’s what I got out of it.
I suspect many of these 19 yr old “planners” (rail/bus/subway/trolley fans) all over twitter/reddit/youtube will eventually look back at these videos and laugh or cringe at themselves 10+ years from now as they jump in their RAV4 to drive to work from their house in the suburbs.
And therein lies the problem. While I’m sure that there are any number of proposals out there that are quite impractical, even the more reasonable and carefully thought-out proposals will go nowhere if they don’t come up with an acceptable means of funding them.
Might Baba be buried in Wawa?
She was cremated, and you’d have to ask Jackie.
I also am curious what overlap there is between people that think remote work/ work form home should be the norm, and people that want commuter trains/busses to run as frequently as possible.
Their solution is just to nationalize everything.
There’s a freight train wreck? NATIONALIZE! Because wrecks won’t happen if the paychecks are paid for by the US Gov’t somehow.
I’m literally reading a twitter thread spouting this thoguht right now.
That’s so simple it’s stupid!
Commuter trains and buses should be owned by the Government, and therefore run on frequent headways whether workers from home are riding them or not. They are all powered with green free Government energy from the sun or wind, and driven autonomously by ChatGPT AI programmed by Indian workers working remotely from home a LOT further away than control centers in the United States.
What a great future it will be when transit goes everywhere but doesn’t have to stop for passengers! Somewhere there are bureaucrats that probably think that’s a stunning idea!
Oh, no. The solution was clear even in the days of John Kneiling: let’s have the Iron Ocean TODAY. Nationalized of course and double-billed to all the current and would-be operating companies and also to the American taxpayer (who of course is benefiting from the ‘enhanced logistics’. This has the great salient advantage that all the safety costs, and fine income therefrom, is still billable, and the safety bureaucracy can be continued, and the tax revenue from actually moving freight and employing people can continue to roll in. And accidents are still supported by deep pockets, but the Government gets to cap its liability just like Amtrak does.
If the federal gov’t is going to force contracts on us from here on out, most likely, maybe we should just become federal workers?
Solve the sick day issue as well.
Wouldn’t you have to give up Railroad Retirement benefits? I think I’ve seen the idea of going on the Federal payroll before and hearing it sucked for that reason…
There’s still commuter RRs and Amtrak that are part of the RRB.