Wichita Kansas Area Residents and those in the surrounding area might be interest in the following.

Wichita Toy Train Club, WTTC, the club that put on the Train Swap meet this past Sunday is having an Opening house at Train Mania II.

Train Mania II is located below the Block Buster Video in the old Twin Lakes Shopping Center at 21st and Amadon. This is the initial, open to the public, open house since the club acquired the facility to use some 2 to 3 years ago (not sure as I’m only in my second year).

Train Mania II will be open to the public at 12:00 non on Saturday, November 6th. Obviously trains will be running, and whether or not you are already in the club, if you wi***o bring some trains to run, that will be welcome. We will have our large O gauge Modular layout up and running along with the Old Original Lionel display Layout (this thing is really cool, it’s not completely mended from the move, but still way cool!). We also have an S gauge layout to operate on as well. Bring yourself, your wife and your kids (this club stresses the importance of keeping kids interested in the hobby, so definitely bring your kids).

The Entrance doors to the Club are located on the West side of the Shopping center, right beside Block Buster Video. You enter and immediately descend a flight of stairs and you are there.

If you wi***o join a train club, this would be a great chance to get to see what WTTC has to offer. We are an official DCS demonstator group and are setup to run DCS, TMCC, and Convention on any track on the O gauge modular layout.

Hope to see you there.


edited to add the fact that it is Wichita Kansas, just for clarification

Thanks for the information Mr. MTH!

My name is not Mr. MTH, it’s Rod


Thanks for the “heads up”, Rod. Will there be folks there who could diagnose problems with sick engines? I have a relatively new Lionel Berkshire (from the Santa Fe set) that recently the sound cuts in full blast for no apparent reason.


Feel free to bring it by, I’m sure someone would be happy to discuss it with you. In the mean time, have you tried jiggling the volume control knob while the engine is running to see if that causes the sound to cut in and out? That’s were I would start anyway.

I haven’t tried the volume control yet. Thanks for the input!


For those of you like myself with little or no room at all for building your own layout I highly reccommend the club route. It gives you a chnce to run on a layout that you might never have the chance to build. [:D][:D]
