Wife couldn't believe it

Went to Denver last weekend to take in an Avalanche game. Of course, no trip to Denver is complete without a stop at Caboose Hobbies, especially since its been a few years. Wife told me what my spending limit was and I had a fairly specific list of things I wanted. We are in the process of getting me a new layout room with a house over it so my modelling budget has been limited. After about 30 minutes, I head to the front to pick her up, Caboose has an area for wives and kids to hang out while we shop. I had nothing in my hands, she felt my head to see if I was ill or something. Even with their great selection, they didn’t have a single thing on my list and I just lost interest at that point. I found the stuff I was looking for through other means after I returned home. This is not a bash on Caboose as they have a huge selection and a high turnover rate. Just a little disapointed.

Fortunately the trip was not a total waste, the Avalanche won[:)] and my wife found all the stuff she was looking for in Denver!


Next time come down to the Springs. Custom Railway Supply is definately worth checking out, and the wife would probably like to take a run through Manitou Springs. If you are in the mood for a hike, the Colorado Midland tunnels are a cool hike that could be done in a couple of hours.

Only explanation I can find is you must be married to an CNW Century 630 and she found a good ore train to haul. Whatever other explanation could there be?

Hey! I’m jealous!

You’re wife lets you loose in a toy train shop with a credit card and budget on your own? [:O] HOW did you achieve that? [:O][:O]


She always jokes with her friends that my hobby is expensive, but at least it keeps me out of the bars!

Smitty, we occassionally come down to the springs on our trips west. I’ll stop in Custom Railway next time.


Well there’s your answer. You were nervous and out of sorts knowing she was right there waiting for you and monitoring your purchases.

Nobody can do serious train shopping under those kinds of conditions.

Dave Nelson

Avalanche who ? [:O] Go Sabres !!![bow]

Sorry had to throw this in. [:D]

You went to Caboose Hobbies and didn’t buy ANYTHING???[:O][%-)] I suggest you go straight to your doctor for a complete battery of tests. (or at least just get your head examined[:D])

I’ve been to caboose and loather’s assessment sounds correct.

Do they still have the find-the-monkeys layout. Kinda cute. I admit my wife and I counted monkeys!

Rick,Sadly lack of stock affects all hobby shops regardless of size…What I find damnable is how the better on line shops usually has a complete line in stock and the LHS sings the blues how Walthers doesn’t have that part in stock yada,yada,yada,yada…Some times I find the items I need is in stock at Walthers by checking on line with Walthers…The conclusion to the matter is detail parts are slow moving items with a small mark up.

I to have gone to hobby shops to buy needed items only to walk out empty handed because the simple items I needed wasn’t in stock.[:(]

I hope your wife was, if amazed, also proud of you for having the integrity to walk away from an establishment, highly touted though it is, because it had nothing of interest to you. You kept to your ideals and limits, and I hope she was mightily impressed…if a bit mystified. [:D]

One thing to consider about a LHS versus online store - the online store can probably physically keep 3-4 times the stock of an LHS in the same area, simply because the items aren’t being displayed, they are just stored (hopefully logically ;)). I suspect some of the places that talk about items being “available” really mean that they can order it from their distributor!

My LHS has a sign at the checkout counter which says “Your wife just called and said it was OK”.

I dont go to the LHS with the wife. What I usually do is take care of everything at home first and when she is humming a tune and is very content, THEN I go.

Yes I actually have a budget which gets overrun quite a bit when I consider the deposits I make on items that may not be there or availible again in the future. Part of that is that the freeway is under construction and it is not very good to use anymore for the next few years so I limit my LHS trips to times when I am actually in the area.

Yup a sign of the times. It used to be they could stock one of everything and let it sit there for 2-5 years until the one person who needed it showed up. With profit margins down they have greatly reduced inventory to try to keep expenses down. Other times the manufacturers limit them as to the quantity they are allowed to buy (I know go figure) so they are always out of stock on some of the really in demand items.

I’ve been in several times and said I need this xyz that used to be on the shelf right here. The answer is, those didn’t move well so we don’t stock them anymore but we can order you one. sigh.

But as for your visit you obviously didn’t see the Kadee HO scale rolling stock on the clearance rack. Many pieces at 50% or more off.

P.S. Where abouts in Kansas. Seems like all the military stuff is closer to Missouri than CO.

Lets go Broncos, Nuggets, Avalanche, and Rockies!! :slight_smile:


Wichita as far as my location. My wife lives in Omaha so I went up there the night before and drove (dread) I-80 to I-76 to Denver. I love visiting Denver but I hate the drive! However, I do get to see quite a few trains on the way, UP on the first half (not my favorite) and BNSF the second half (successor to my favorite).

I must have missed the Kadee stuff, I did look thru the Athearn fire trucks that were greatly reduced. I don’t know, I was in some sort of funk while at the store.


I live within walking distance of Caboose, maby I just got used to it but, I am not impressed with thier stock either. It appears this “on-line store” concept is a double-edged sword. Also, I think they’re over-priced. I think CH is over-rated, but maby it’s just me.[#dots]

Just hope no one takes these words personally, get in a fight[B)]

GO AVS !!!

Just what my wife says… A LOT cheaper than a lot of other BAD hobbies I could have… although, when I mention a $750 brassie (I am only dreaming about it!!!), she does raise an eyebrow (and then some!!!).


And just which single, online hobby shop has a better overall selection, in stock than Caboose? Please, tell me. Walthers doesn’t count.

Online, you can visit 3 or 10 to find one that may have what you want in stock. 50% of the time when I order from someone online, it takes an extra ‘week or so’ before the product arrives, just about the time it takes for them to get it from their distributor.

60% or more of my hobby dollar goes to Caboose, I have yet to walk out of there empty handed.

Granted, I have only been shopping there for about 18 months, but the stock seems pretty level to me. From December to early February, the last two years, the Christmas impact does seem to lower their stock.

My [2c]


I haven’t actually been to Caboose Hobbies (I guess I would have if I’d moved to Denver for a job 4 years ago!), but I was actually commenting that Hobby Stores have a harder than online stores keeping everything in stock - it was a reply to this comment: