I have an online photo album called “getting plowed.” Here’s a PC rotary (along with a flanger and Russell plow) from around 1971 at Syracuse Dewitt Yard:
PC 60021
I believe this is the rotary that ended up on the Buffalo Southern, Dewitt Yard again in 1980:
CR 64599
A resident of the Rochester, NY area developed a rotary plow for street railways in the early 1900s, Captain George Ruggles. An article in the NYMT newsletter on snow-fighting has a photo of a Ruggles plow, with two small rotary blades for clearing small drifts just above streetcar tracks. (scroll down about 1/3 of the way through the PDF file) There’s also a photo of ex-Philadelphia sweeper car C-130 in the NYMT near the end of the newsletter.
Ruggles rotary plow
New York Central had at least two of these rigs. I saw one parked at the Albany/Rensselaer Amtrak station a few years back. Never saw one in operation, just pictures. Apparently, NYC tried one on the Harlem Division. They ran it “blower to the rear” and it innundated the denizens of Scarsdale, NY in passing, mugh to their chagrin. It also overtaxed the hauling locomotives brakes! I think they limited them to yard clearing after that!
CR 64599 had the best Conrail color scheme ever. That should have been the ‘company standard’! Why the doors on the working end? Did that keep the birds out in the summer?
i know of three regualer snowplows ive seen in Illinois over past 2 years.
ICG Plow
Conrail plow kept in terre haute in
I saw a NS snowplow going east 2-6-2010