22" is the absolute MINIMUM that particular loco can take, and the trackwork needs to be almost flawless. I have one of the first runs of this loco, and the long wheelbase and unsprung drivers make it a REALLY picky runner. It’s a nice loco, but it needs really CAREFULLY laid trackwork.
I have a BLI catologue and the 2-10-2 requires a minimum 24" radius track. I would assume that this would also apply to the new Blueline series as well. However it may not.
It would be akin to pouring an entire bottle of beer into a single shot glass. You’re gonna spill.
One thing about HO that I’ve noticed (being a reformed HO scaler myself) is that oft times the locomotives and rolling stock dreamt of do not match the realities of the space.
If 22" is the most space you can muster, unfortunately, you’ll need to confine yourself to steamers with 8 drivers at most.
Of course, 22" radius in N scale will handle Big Boys and the DD40X…[:D]
Pretty much what I had visioned in my head, but maybe a year or two older!
And then on to the question. It’s already been answered and may be a real struggle, but maybe worth a try if that’s what you got. I don’t think I would goout and buy one if I already had 22" track down though.
10 coupled steam…HO…22 inch curves…bad mojo. I had some samhongsa 2-10-2s when i was in HO, and anything less than 30 inch curves or no 8 turnouts, they would climb the rails and make faces at me. I know some engines are designed to run on curves that sharp, but thats really really pushing it.
Smooth, not much detailwise… With a small layout you have to commit to small locomotives… On my future pike(4x10), I only intend to run a pair of RS3m’s, a trackmobile, and a 4-6-2(excursion service)…
My IHC 2-10-2 (a smooth runner and good bang for the buck) runs fine on 22" radius - not so fine on my 18". The blind drivers help.
I just ordered a P2K 2-10-2 and I’m not expecting it to handle the 22" but since my trackwork is temporary (my whole layout, in fact), I’m OK with it. I have several big steam locos just begging for broader curves.
There must be some stone slabs lost beneath sands of time that says:
Large engine dont like small radius curve.
You want a 26" or larger curves to run your engine. I run on 31 inches and see sometimes the big steam stuff slow down due to rod tension on the curves.