Williams Survey

What roadnames should Williams be doing for current diesels?

My picks:

Great Northern E-7’s.

Texas Special E-7’s.

I have always been a fan of SOO line, but lately it’s been harder and harder to find any new production models.

Montana Rail Link; Wisconsin Central; Bessemer and Lake Erie; Akron, Canton and Youngstown; and a few other oft-overlooked carriers I can think of.[:)]

A few new CN and CP models would also be nice, in deference to our friends north of the border.

Agree!!! Love to see some in heritage colors, not the white & red.


In heritage colors please. It’s too bad that the “northern friends” are not encouraged to join Williams Platinum Club. Tried but was told it was not economically wise/feasibledue to the way they mail (bulk) and ship (UPS).



I’d like to see more Milwaukee Road engines, especially an affordable Hiawatha. Also, passenger cars to go along with the Hiawatha engines.


I would like to see williams bring out their GP-9 in the L&N paint scheme from the sixties.


I have a blue and yellow Santa Fe GP-9, U-Boat and SD-45; I might consider more.

Here’s my Williams toy train SD-45 on a 4% grade pulling a heavy load from a spur up to the mainline (R/C operations)

F7 set in the Western Maryland “Circus” (red/white) scheme.

I just noticed Montana Rail Link F45’s on a photo site. Since Williams has F45 tooling, that would be something. Williams didn’t do well with F45’s so they discontinued them in the 90’s. I think they were too young to be classics then. They seem to be making a come back though. Athearn announced them in N scale and N scalers are dancing on the streets over them.

I would love to see a set of F3’s in the NYO&W Paint scheme. I know MTH has just realeased a set, but for the price mth is asking, I would rather see williams make it[:)]


I’d like to see them do a run of the Postwar F3s in New York Central’s cigar band logo.

I would like to see some NYS&W “Susie Q” boxcars, and some Susquehanna engines. Really are pretty schemes. I would also like to see Williams make a EL F3 set with two powered locos, along the lines of the K-line offering.


I’d love to see them get the Norfolk Southern logo right. I have poured over NS photos and have yet to see the “crunched” “squished” version of the NS logo that William’s uses.

As a challenge, I’d love to see them bring out a copy version of the Lionel 14-inch U36B, only with the shell a little bit shortened in height. This looks better with traditional cars, and actually makes a smaller loco look larger. I know Lionel has one, but seems everytime they get a road I want, they somehow cheapen the product so I can’t bring myself to buy it… the last example was the Conrail U36B from a few years back with a single motor. Every other one since made (though advertised with a single motor) has come with dual motors.

Aside from that, I notice that some of the PWC locos are a little more pricey than the normal Williams locos like the Geeps, for whatever reason. Probably not much demand on this idea, but I wound’t mind seeing the 027 type Alco available as just a single A unit. I don’t run many double A’s due to a smaller layout and like purchasing single units.

But apart from my nitpricking, I think Williams does a fine job and as a company are (along with RMT now) the unspoken heroes of this hobby providing decent running mostly affordable locos and cars. Williams does a better job making some Lionel repros that Lionel currently does itself, and that’s kind of a sad statement about Lionel, but a very good one about Williams.

Well I sent an email to whoever reads them at Williams a while back asking them to consider the maroon and grey of the Monon. I will repeat it here just in case they are monitoring!



I’d love to see them offer the F-3 in GM&O colors. Also, the GP-9 in the Illinois Central orange and white (with the CORRECT orange - Williams used a burnt orange on the ICG NW-2).

Something Pennsylvania, as that is a line with little or nothing with its name on it…ha, ha.

As far as diesels go, UP is great, but what about royalties/lawsuit/user fees, etc? Is that sorted out?

Actually, I’m gonna go off-topic and as far as steam goes, I’d love a Durango & Silverton ANYTHING in 3 rails/O-gauge, but I know diesels is the main focus here…sorry for the tangent.

PS When in doubt, anything in santa fe silver and red rocks.

How about doing some Lionel Archive F3’s Monon, F E C !!!, Missouri Pacific and all of those other great ones listed Kalmbach Lionel F3 Postwar Book! (sorry I had fun thinking about all those colors!)