Winston O. Link's Work (pctures and sounds)On NPR!!

My brother informed me that you can go to , scroll down and see and listen to “The Fading Giant”, Winston O.Link’s work!! Check it out!!! [:)] , jon

John, if anyone is ever in Roanoke VA, they have to go the O. Winston Link Museum. In the old NW building [might have been depot???]. Wonderful video in the theater area too.

Yes, I’ve been there several times. A very interesting place.

The sound clips they have posted are absolutely haunting. If the sounds in those old recordings don’t send a chill up your spine, nothing will! Mr. Link did superb work no matter what format he was working in.

I love the dog[(-D][(-D][{(-_-)}]

Great to know O.Winston Links recodings are available,While we all know of his fantastic photo ,posters I wasn’t aware of his sound recordings. And as much as i love listening to the steamers,big or small this is causing real excitment in our house.
Have 2 recordings I wi***o convert over to cd format One called THUNDERING SKY’S starts with just the sound of rain dripping off a station roof thats all you hear for about 11/2 mins then a crash of thunder that almost made my daughter faint (snicker) because of course I had the volume turned up pretty high. like 9 outa 10 (snicker)
Then in the distance the wail of the whistle can be faintly heard coming closer,(more crashs of thunder) until the train comes thundering by whistle screaming,bell clanging exhaust snorting…jeez ya feel like your right there next to it swear the living room was shaking…wifey appreciated that!!..WHAT’ the hellya doin’out there!!!