Wire Lists and Layouts

Curious, how many of you guys have a wirelist for your layout? Or did you just wire it as necessary.

The reason I’m asking I’ve built a couple of layouts for other people and have ALWAYS preparred a detailed wire list for each. And also a Block diagram and User Manual. I typically review each document with the customer when the layout is finished explaining what they for and how to use it. But as expected when they have an issue IF they know where the documents are, they have no idea what they mean. Appears I’m wasting my time. Then on the bright side if I go out to address any issue I always find the documents extremely beneficial. So curious how many of you (knowledgeable users), have documents and use them? Thanks for any thoughts.

Since you are building layouts for others, I think the wiring information is a big plus. I guess I am biased from my background doing computer programming.

My own layouts have never been complicated enough to warrant documentation. I do like to use basic color coding, like white for common, black for track power, and yellow for accessories.

I have a complete manual for the layout. It includes physical location diagrams, wiring diagrams, programming information for the LCS, and electronic copies of all the vendor information. Not including the vendor material it is about 90 pages. The layout was professionally built and is fairly complicated. I refer to the material frequently. I could not imagine owning the layout without this manual. A long time ago I received a BSEE degree so I am comfortable with using this kind of documentation.

Wish I had Don, I added as I went along and used what ever I had around. God Help me when something screws up. [:O] [:$] [swg]

So far it is all still working going on 8 years.

Since I know about AC residential electrical I use black for track 1 hot and red for track 2 hot and white for the common or return. Bought some 4 conductor trailer harness wire at an auto parts store and use that for accessory wiring and upper level power.

Lee Fritz

I’m an old telecom guy. I wired my layout with 25 pair cables and 66 blocks.And yep, I have a notebook with all the wiring documented.

Please…‘Senior Moment’…What exactly is a “wirelist”?

As always, many thanks.