Wiring a DPDT for two turnouts

Hello Everyone,

First off, forgive me if this is already posted but I could not find the topic. If it is posted please refer me to the proper thread.

I have two crossovers in the center of my layout creating what looks like a figure eight with a 45 degree Atlas crossing in the center. The four turnouts are PECO #7 insulfrog curved turnouts, and I am using Digatrax AR1 Auto Reversers on each route.

If a train is going west it can cross through the 45 degree crossing and re-enter the oval to go east. The auto reverser takes care ofa ll the polarity switching and it is all wired up and joints insulated correctly. I would liket o through both turnouts at the same time. I assume this is done with a DPDT switch. Can anybody post a diagram on how to wire two turnouts to a DPDT switch so both turnouts are thrown together?

The same senario hold true for my other crossover with the eastbound locomotive crossing the center and ending up going west bound.

I’ve become pretty adept at DCC wiring but wiring is still my weakest skill. I would like to get all my primary wiring done prior to putting down my plaster cloth and starting landscaping. Can’t wait to start running trains again.

I’m getting old so I may not understand the situation, but it seems that all you need to do is connect both turnouts to the same leads on your switch–like you would if you were just throwing one turnout.

What brand of turnouts and switch machines are you using? The wiring will be different for twin-coil (Atlas, Peco) and stall motors (typically Tortoise.) For twin coil, it may be necessary to install a capacitive discharge circuit to get the extra jolt to drive 2 machines simultaneously. Peco machines take more power to begin with, so the CD circuit is almost mandatory even for single turnouts.

Using two PECOST-244 Double Curve Turnouts and 2 PECO PL-11 switch machines.

It is as simple as just wiring the two machines in parallel, and all you need is a single-pole, double-throw momentary contact toggle.

I would strongly recommend that capacitive discharge circuit. “The Snapper” from Circuitron is one commercially made model. The basic circuit is just 2 resistors and 2 capacitors, so you can google up a circuit and build it for a few dollars in Radio Shack parts. One CD circuit can drive all of your twin-coil turnouts. It also provides burnout protection in case of a sticky toggle.