Wiring toggle for servo, leds and frog

Hi everyone,

I would basically like to know:

a) Can I use a dpdt switch to run an octopus/servo, led fascia lights and power a frog,

b) Should it be possible, can someone point me to a diagram. Haven’t been able to find anything comprehensive.

I’m aware of the other products from Tam Valley but I would prefer the above alternative. Also, thanks for any responses and all the other information available here.



If you look on the Tam Valley site, under the Octopus product information, there are several circuits for controlling the servos and operating indicator lights. The top left one is using a toggle to operate the servo - doesn;t even have to be momentary. The lower right one shows two LEDs hooked up as indicators. Combine both of these and you will have position indicators and servo operation controlled by a toggle. If you use a DPDT toggle, you have the other side of it to power the frogs - though running track bus wires back to your control panel and then a frog power wire all the way back out to the turnout sounds a little crazy to me.


Randy, thanks for the reply.

I made a quick diagram, but having trouble attaching it?

Ok. Maybe these will load.

In response to Randy’s post, I basically want the different colored leds, and would prefer the toggle. The cost of the frog juicers would be prohibitive in the sense that I would end up just removing turnouts that would see little usage. I had initially planned to use ground throws, but they are just too large. The first pic is what I’ve interpreted from the information that I could find. The second is the schematics I thought were relevant from the TV site. As far as the extra wiring, I had planned on using terminals close to the panel for the dcc power. I don’t have any experience either way, but I wouldn’t mind not having powered frogs if they would operate well in my case (mostly 6-axle locos, some 4).

If anyone wants to check my work, I would appreciate it.


One change, the wire from the bottom of the red LED goes to pin 1 (the lead without the resistor). Otherwise, that should work.


[B]Thanks! I owe you a beer. Once I get some parts together I can test it out. I’ll post my results for anyone else that is curious.


One more thing to consider. If you plan on adding the DCC board so you can operate the Octo iii servos from a computer program such as JMRI later on, the switches that control the turnouts must be momentary.


Thanks for the tip. I wasn’t planning on using dcc for the turnouts. I’m just getting started on benchwork, so no wiring yet. I had kind of been thinking about just powering frogs on turnouts on the mainline to start.