Wiring with Digital Command Control (DCC) plugs and sockets

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Wiring with Digital Command Control (DCC) plugs and sockets

instal decoders in old ahm engines how to

Has anyone put DCC decoders in old high flange articulated rivarossi engines. If so, please provide information on how to do it. Thank you.

mini oval specker whare to solder ?both sides of specker are conected.ther is a dimple on ethir side is this for solder?

does anyone know how to install a sound decoder in a dcc ready deisel loco, that does not have a socket. this must be an older dcc installation.

How interchangeadle ar 8 pin and 9 pin decoders …? …if I order a engin setup with a 8 pin DCC ready or vice versa must the decoder match ?

8 or 9 pin decoders will work in either engine BUT if you want to use an 8 pin decoder in a 9 pin socket (Athearn type) the sockets are not compatible. The same is true for the reverse condition. I’d just cut the plug off and hardwire it.
Some of the newer Athearn engines have dual 8 and 9 pin sockets. In short - it’s better to know what you need before you need to install it !
On older engines that are DCC-ready - you must first take the shell off and see what you have. I do this for every installation unless it is a “drop in” installation - even those require some extra work. On some of the older P2K HO units there is very little wiggle room to install a decoder - choose an N decoder- just make sure the decoder can handle the motor current. Check the DCC dealers association websites - there is a ton of info there and many helpful guides.

i have put a dcc decoder in a rivarossi ho 3 truck hisler if its grounded to the frame see what side is and soder the wire for that side to the frame than the short wire that come back to the motor use for the other side pick up than run your motor wires and make sure your motor contact is not tuching the frame i do this with ca and never had a problem as for the lights my stay on but you can insulate them with ca and run new wires to them just cut the feed wire from the track power

as for deep flanges you my want to test your locomovite on all your turnouts and small code track some shorts are from the flange hiting the points of the turnout and jumping up the frog or rerailers and thats some times a ez fix with a niddle file in the joint but on low code track like 70 or smaller in ho and 55 and smaller in n scale your locomotive my not tuch the rail head at all for the flange hits bottem befor the tread does i run code 70 kato unitrack in n scale and the frog is deep and the points trow a long way thar rerailer is a bit tight but it seams to be deep enuff that my older rivarossi and atlas cars and locos with deep flanges dont have a problem

i’m a novice model railroader ( had a block wired layout years ago) have older athearn motive power and a bowser k4 which i would like to super detail, i already have the kit. need a to z info on this and on using dcc ie very basic detailed instruction. please recommend what is available. thanks much