I just got my layout wired and was running fine until i sodered (?0 some of the track together. Now it doesnt want to run. The engine will sit there and draw power until i adjust the throttle and then it seems to shut off. need help

You’ve managed to wire in a short circuit to the layout, desolder the joint and check everything runs again.

Once your to this stage solder one side and re-check your loco runs. If you do this and the loco fails trace back the wiring around the layout - it’s a certainty there is a cross-over of wires somewhere in your layout.

E.g.: If the Top Rail is Black wired and Bottom Rail is Red wired then check all the way around the layout to ensure this rule is followed (my guess is you’ve swapped these around somewhere!)

Hope this helps you

I sympathize, friend. I didn’t have that problem, but I was very concerned that I might as I was doing soldering and wiring. Both were new to me, and I dreaded finding out that I had done something wrong.

Of course, I then had trouble programming my DCC loco, and still don’t know if it was my wiring. I’ve returned the EZ Command by Bachmann because others had blamed it for an inability to deal with BLI locos. If, when I install my new Digitrax, I still get no joy, my “AAAARRRGGGHHHH!” will be heard around the world.

Previous advice seems the best way to go; hit the ‘undo’ button (last solder), and see if it restores your control. If not, something else went wrong as you soldered, and is unrelated to it.

Keep cool and positive. You’ll get it.