Because of WC’s hub-and-spoke operating scheme, “fleeting” of trains occurs frequently at North Fond du Lac and Stevens Point, with trains departing at short intervals. During WC’s first years, a parade of trains would head west from Stevens Point each afternoon between 2:30 and 4:30. On September 11th, 1990, the fleet is lined up for departure at Point yard: train T003 for Superior, train T005 for Minneapolis-St. Paul, and train T011 for Tomahawk; engine 1567 is working on the Point yard job.
On August 2, 1991, newly rebuilt GP40’s set the Stevens Point depot to rumbling as they depart with train T017 for Wausau. The building houses Wisconsin Central’s operating headquarters.
Swinging around the northeast wye connection at Junction City, a GP30/SDL39 duo creeps by one of Wisconsin’s ubiquitous local taverns en route to Wausau on September 15, 1990.
The corporate emblem of the Employers Insurance Company of Wausau combines the former Milwaukee Road depot with a view of the Wausau skyline as seen from the former C&NW depot. Several of the company’s television commercials have featured the emblem. Train T018 rolls past the building and down the Valley line on August 11, 1991.
From its source near the Michigan border, the Wisconsin River winds 340 miles through Wisconsin to the Mississippi River at Prairie du Chien, making it the state’s longest river. Along WC’s Valley Sub, the river is seldom far away, and in some areas is right along the tracks.