Woman allegedly pulls gun on Seattle streetcar

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Woman allegedly pulls gun on Seattle streetcar

An open question as to which is more disturbing about this article: form or content?

It is likely that everyone who read this article was offended by the lack of copy editing and the event itself…and caught the various efforts at satire. Plenty of stuff in this world that needs to be skewered with sarcasm and its cousins.

Did the streetcar put its arms up? Sorry I couldn’t let that one pass :slight_smile:

I still wish they had kept the original name of this line: South Lake Union Trolley, or SLUT.

I can see you fixed some of the grammar problems in this article, but there are still five more "women"s.

Ha-ha! I can see that my satire wasn’t clear enough! Someone had posted the comment: “Nobody finds this type of behavior disturbing!?” meaning the gun-waving woman/women were/was disturbing. I pretended to think that he was talking about the deplorable grammar and responded to that, hence the winky face at the end of the post.

Of course it’s preposterous that someone who writes this way, and then can’t even make the corrections properly, is allowed to post stories on Kalmbach’s news feed. The initial headline even had the subject and verb disagreeing in number! (“women pulls”) How pathetic can this situation be?!

No, it’s not disturbing. The news stories are written hurriedly and bad grammar slips through sometimes. The magazine is usually better! :wink:

“Unsupecting streetcar”?? I didn’t know mechanical objects suspected anything. Why don’t you guys have a fifth-grader from a Waukesha school do these posts. I’m sure their grammar is much better than the illiterates you have doing it now.

Mr Jones The pans were already up!! :slight_smile:

Where are the grammar police? WomEn or womAn? How many were there? and “the operator then speed up the car?” Really? Maybe “sped up?” Not like Trains to miscue like that.

So the operator tried to run the woman over? He’s lucky she didn’t start shooting!

The alleged incident amounts to piracy. An on-board camera facing out the windshield would capture the woman’s features on video for police and serve as evidence for prosecutors. Hopefully, this streetcar was so-equipped.

In response to the comment that said, “news stories are written hurriedly and bad grammar slips through sometimes,” yes, grammatical and spelling mistakes can occasionally slip through no matter how much proof-reading is done. However, it would take only a few minutes for the writers to proof the writing themselves, and then pass it on to a co-worker to double check. None of these news stories is so urgent that posting it 10 or 15 minutes later would make any difference. My impression is that there have been far too many errors slipping through recently. I would be embarrassed if anything I wrote had so many errors. I would be even more embarrassed if I were in charge of this aspect of the web site and I didn’t make sure my writers either shaped up or were shipped out.

The whole article unlike the unsuspecting street car is suspect.

The point I was trying to make was that some lady waved a gun at a loaded street car. However, the grammar police got everyone sidetracked.

Nobody finds this type of behavior disturbing!?

“None of these news stories is so urgent that posting it 10 or 15 minutes later would make any difference.” . Exactly. A lot of these stories get posted to different groups I frequent and I read a day or two before they are posted here.

Talk about NIMBYs this woman is way over the top.

The issue isn’t grammar, it’s the fact that there are too many guns, too many people owning guns that shouldn’t, and too many loopholes in gun sale laws.

I am braced for the howls of the resident gun nuts, but we can and should make some changes that allow most folks to own guns while doing a better job of keeping them out of the hands of those who shouldn’t. (And the solution isn’t having more guns!)