Woodland Scenics buildings damaged by fire

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Woodland Scenics buildings damaged by fire

My thoughts go out to the people at Woodland Scenics in this time of trouble. Be thankful that everyone got out safely. Be strong because a fire and putting it out causes such a hell of a mess. Be calm, because it will take time and energy to get things fixed.

I am sorry to hear about the fire. Buildings and products and be replaced. I know it will take some time to get the two buildings back to the way they were. I and every one else that knows of the fire are VERY THANKFUL that no one was injuried

I think that some if not all the firefighters in that area of the country are volunteer firefighters. As a retired fire chief, my thanks goes out to those men and women for saving a valuable resource that I use on my model railroad. Job well done!

i was born in steele mo. at pemoscott county hospital and i felt touched to learn of the fire. i never knew such a small town likethat could produce such realistic products. like the show me state you have proved to be a topnotch performer in the model railroading industry. it can only get better from here.

first, thank God that all got out safely and what was destroyed by the fire can in due time be rebuilt again. as a decitated buyer to woodland products, i will be looking forward to seeing you back on top among the other top notch model railroader supliers of true quality scenic products.

As others have stated. I am glad to hear no one was injured. It is also nice to hear that they can continue with a full staff. Being out of work is never fun, especially this time of year. It sounds like Woodland Scenic’s employees most of the town. A major loss could really devastate that community.
I applaud the fire fighters for the great job of controlling the fire.

I can relate to the trauma the fire caused. We lost our house to Tropical Storm Irene in August. I’ve been a model railroader since my dad started us off in the early 60’s, and my entire collection of HO equipment was lost with the house. Like the folks at Woodland Scenics, we’ll get through the disaster. Hang in there guys!

Praise God no was hurt!! Keep producing those fine products. I need your help with my ongoing project…

Thank the Lord that no one was injured in the fire.

Well done to management for an excellent evacuation plan.
Well done the fire fighters in extinguishing the blaze.

Woodland Scenics keep up the good work your products dominate on my small layout.


South Africa

As others stated, thank the Lord for his protection of the employees. Also, glad the American-based company creates so many products for our hobby, and helps employ people rght here in the USA.

Knowing that the company and employies survive is what counts. The good Lord was looking after them. Also glad to know they are back up and producing again. Just got an order from them today. Strong folks working there show up in the end product.

I am glad everyone is ok. They have great products and will do just fine. Woodland Scenics is strong CO.