I am relatively new to HO scale and would like to jump start a layout. I have seen advertisements for the HO Grand Valley. Has anyone tried this? What are your opinions? Is it possible to add to this layout in the future? Does it offer constant running, along with some switching? Thank you for your help.
This layout kit will give you a basic 4 X 8. I’m sure it could be expanded with a little fore-thought. I would suggest that rather than laying out the big $$$ up front for this kit, that you buy a book on basic modeling, and perhaps another book on basic track plans. Then decide what you want to go after and purchase your materials along the way. You may spend a bit more in the long run, but will probably be more satisfied. Please note that I am not dismissing the product and would suggest using Woodland Scenics products for your layout, as they are very good, just not using that kit unless you really think it is exactly what you are looking for. Good luck, you have entered a very fun hobby!
Hi John -
I am also relatively new to HO, and I’ve purchased the Grand Valley kit. In fact, I’ve begun setting it up and am at the point of laying the track for what will be the area inside the tunnels. So far things have gone well.
I am wondering about your experience in setting it up. Did you get it done? Any hints, suggestions, guidelines you may have to share would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much!
Hi John,
I’ve built the Woodland Scenics N scale Scenic
Ridge kit. I think the Woodland Scenics kits are great for beginners because everything you need to build a small layout is included in the package. In fact I built two of the kits in such a way that they mated with each other as two modules. The kits are flexible enough that you could add a couple of industries or passenger stations not included in the plan. I’d say you can’t go wrong with these kits.
Have fun and let us know your progress!
Jim Schulz
associate editor, Trains.com
I have looked at this route myself. Mostly because it appears to be the quickest, and cleanest method. I have heard that Woodland Scenics makes a good product, so I would assume that applies to this as well.
To answer the questions you posed:
- No, I haven’t tried it, can’t afford it, and I don’t have the room yet even for a 4x8.
- As someone else said I am sure you could add onto this if you keep that in mind when building it. Think where you would want the add-ons to possibly be and place switches there instead of the regualer tracks.
- Yes, it does offer continuous running, it is basicly a folded dogbone design with an over/under setup.
4)Switching…this was my major drawback with the design of this layout. There is no switching…in fact in the entire layout there are only 2 switches.
Still, if switching isn’t your thing it might work for you, or maybe you could add-on later to supply the switching you desire.
In my honest opinion I think Atlas makes some much finer track plans that are in the 4x8 category, but you have to build the base and the scenery from scratch. I have the track layouts for a lot of their plans, so I could email a couple to you if you like…they aren’t the complete plans, but those can be purchased from Atlas (maybe even obtained on their website). Take a look at the “Plywood Summits” model, I think it is a little better than the Woodland Scenics layout, but you have a shorter mainline.
Hi John,
The December issue of RMC has an article on page 84 on building the HO Grand Valley layout. The author made modifications to expand the layout in the future.
The Kit is good I used it on my railroad. I
changed things around a little. The track plan to
me limits what you can do. You can use other
track plans and just adjust your plans. You can
cut down the size of the mountian or make it big-
ger. It might take more plaster cloth but it is
worth it. The directions they give you are good
and easy to follow. For a new model railroader
it is worth buying it so you know what you will
have to purchase for future projects. It is
complete, unless you change things. Woodland
Scenics is good quality products.
The key to scenery work is to take your time.
Good luck and have fun. Ross
Those of you who have built this kit…what mods did you make and how did it turn out? Can you email pics, or a trackplan or any ideas on what you would do differently to me at: