Woodland Scenics Rail Tracker cleaning kit

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Woodland Scenics Rail Tracker cleaning kit

Sounds Good

I have only used this track cleaning system once since purchasing. I too used the three step method as my layout is still under construction and had a lot of glue and dirt spots. My trains now run much smoother with no dead spots. Great product.

How about its reach in a tunnel - on of curve - via an N-scale portal (2 track)? After weeks of focus on scenery, I’ve got dead spots in all the wrong places. Thanks for test driving this device.

I also purchased this item and agree totally with the author. The tool does a great job, with its several interchangeble pads, and tracks very well when using the grooved cleaning pads. The only shortcoming I found was I could not find a 3/4" PVC tubing you could insert the handle into to form an extension, as the instructions suggested. i ended up duct taping it to an extension pole I had.

The track cleanning kit sounds very good to my hard to reach areas

There is nothing like clean track for smooth running. I use Kato Track only, N-scale and had outstanding results. I am able to reach bridges, tunnels and all track on my 9’x18’ layout.

RE: Cleaning track inside a tunnel
This may be a bit off-topic, but I learned early in my layout construction to ALWAYS plan for access to a tunnel. Not only for track cleaning, but also derailments and repairs. I have used access HOLES under the mountain in the past, but for my next tunnel I plan to use an access DOOR in the fascia. I believe this was suggested by Model Railroader.

Note: If I offer “my 2-cents-worth” and somebody pays me “a penny for my thoughts”, where does the extra 1-cent go?

A second comment, Jeffery. Can you picture this tool fitting and working effectively through the portal of an n-scale tunnel to clean curving track?

Thanks for your input.

How does it track over points? I would think to avoid damaging the point it would be better to avoid using this type of tool over points?

I have cleaned short tunnels on a curve on my N scale layout
with (1 track) no problems. works great. Damscus, OR

It’s great that Mr Savalle has found a way to clean his inaccessible track. Being able to effectively clean dead or seriously begrunged rails says a lot in favor of the new WS track cleaner. However, how many times have we read in MR or in the forums to build all parts of one’s layout within two or three feet (max) of an aisle or access hole to avoid such out-of-reach issues. Mr Savalle’s review combines a strong product with an even stronger “lesson learned” for planning and building one’s trackwork.

This Looks like a great Idea for my layout, and I hope to get it soon.