Hey, everybody! I’m about to start tracklaying on my layout, and have looked at the Woodland Scenics Scenery system. I bought an informational video, and you’re supposed to put the riser things under the track, and use these sheet goods thingies to make elevated areas. What do you guys think about the system? Is it worth all that money it costs to buy it?
There are ways to gt around buying their whole system. If you use foam there’s no reason to usue the risers because you caan cut into the foam. Though the foam risers for grades maks things easier.
There are many ways to do it so don’t hold yourself to the WS systems usee what you need.
I am using bits and pieces of their stuff on my layout. I have several feet of track that is on regular 4" foam and 1/2" WS risers on top of that and everything else is WS grades and risers. I use their track bed as well. Their foam sheets are way too expensive. It is a “special” foam that does not emit fumes when cut with their hot wire foam cutter or so they say. It all smells bad and smokes a little when cut like that. I hate their plaster cloth! It never works right for me so I use sculptamold. But just pick and choose from their products.
The Southern Serves the South!
Csx, most of their stuff is purpose-built and designed for model railroading. It is very good, and usually very easy to apply. However, it also costs for that convenience. Many people here use extruded foam, or cut out their own risers from bits of mansonite, or 1/4" plywood. Some use strips of cardboard hot glued or even stapled together to form hills and tunnels. They cover the strip forms with casting plaster cloth, the kind you find in a hospital for broken limbs, because it can be much cheaper than the cloth…which I have used quite successfully, by the way.
I am somewhat embarrassed, now that I look back, for what I spent on my layout. I was in a big hurry, impatient, and swimming in over my head, to be perfectly honest, so I spent money I shouldn’t have (this is me looking back, remember) in order to have the expectation that I was getting the nearly fool-proof and best stuff.
I have no experience with their roadbed, with Sculptamold, their risers, or the road-building kits. Same for their Realistic Water. I will vouch fully for their Hydrocal (others will tell you where to get it very cheaply), and their ground foam scenery stuff. It works well, and a modest amount goes a long way, if you are economical about using it.
I also am not very enthusiastic about their twisty pine tress. I would strongly urge you to make Aggro’s trees with the bamboo skewers and the turquoise natural fiber furnace filters available at Walmart.
Good luck, however you go.
what i have heard from some people is that WS is the best thing that has happended to this this hobby
Their only poor quality product was easy water, which was replaced by Realistic Water.
This is what I am told
Hope your layout goes well
It is good if you are starting with a 4x8 sheet of plywood and want standard grades. I looked at it and went back to grid like tables with strips of plywood anchored to risers screwed to the table, like the old days. I have since been glad for I had to modify things to accomodate bridges and buildings and all I had to do is move a few risers and cut some new sections of sub bed. I have looked at the scenery stuff and will used some but hardshell on sceen alows more creativity. I did love the road bed, glued down with flex track glued to the roadbed. That was like magic, though my first pike used tru scale with individual spikes. Anything was better than that.
I believe It is an excellent system
Look at their system, take measurements, then build your own. You’ll come off with something that 30,000 other modeler’s don’t have and you’ll have the knowledge to post your how-to to teach the rest of us how to do it.
PLease check and see if there is a HOBBY LOBBY near you. If so they have a 40% off online coupon on ANYTHING in the store. I have bought, so far (4) of their W.S. Layout kits, forgot thr name (old age) they list for $79.99 and you get 40% off that. You get about $150.00 worth of things, enought to do a 4x8 railroad. There are rock molds, tress, ground foam, forms and other pieces.
I have been buying but not using yet.
Just looked like a way tosave some money.
Take Care
George P.