Woodland Scenics - Water Effects

I bought my first bottle of this stuff, and I experimented yesterday. My ultimate objective is to simulate a boat wake in a river.

I put a small amount of Water Effects on a cured sample of Realistic Water. Twenty four hours later, it is still white with only the thinner margins turned clear.

The amount of Water Effects applied is not very thick, so I am wondering, how long does it take this stuff to clear?



You’re not having very good luck with WS water products are you? LOL

When I poured my creek I used Magic Water, then I used the WS water effects, and it was dry within 24hrs.

Give it another day, it shouldn’t take that long though, specially if its not that thick.

Thanks, Michael, I will be patient a little longer.

Yeah, me and Woodland Scenics have not been getting along too well lately, LOL


The curing time depends on the thickness of the pour and humidity. If you are in a humid area, it could take days for the haze to go away, just be patient. [|)]

It sounds like patience is the key.

It is frustrating though when you want to experiment and see the results, if you have to wait 2 or 3 days or longer to see the results.

Somebody needs to develop something better, or maybe they already have and I just don’t know about it.


Its so dry here in Colorado, thats why my stuff always dries quickly. During the winter its even dryer, and your skin starts cracking. LOL