In light of the article that just came out in Trains Sept. 2003 I want to know what IS or what you THINK would be the biggest problem regarding the freight yard remote control units.
Most of all the other forums on this topics had negative opinons on the subject, but me, a dumb railfan, didn’t even know the mechanics of how the darn thing works.
The article brings up several points: learning to operate, injuries, deaths, all tasks not completed in the same day pushes assignments to next day, and engineer operators being laid off.
Now as you get your magazine in the mail or go a bookstore or library to read the article we can all hopefully be on the same page.
What’s the worst part of it all? Besides hurting employees is this gonna hurt the railroad?
Conversly, what are the best aspects, if any, of remote control?
Remote controls can not run our railroads. The amount of crossing accidents and derailments would go up very fast, not to mention all of the lost jobs. I am totally against remote control operated trains. I do not think we should worry though because are a long way from unmanned trains.
I just got the Sept. 2003 mag. I don’t think it will work. There is a picture in some trains mag. that shows a lot of WARNING sighns! It looks like it about to spell railroad DOOME .
As a railroader who works in both yard and road service I have seen first hand the effects of rco operations. It is in my opinion the wrong step for the railroads to be taking. But the bottom line is that they are reducing the yard crew by one third. The biggest problem is number crunching harvard grads who have never switched a car a day in there life. it will not end there. Talk is now the UP is testing software that would permit trains to be ran by satillite. A comment was made we can put a man on the moon we can sure as hell run a train by satillite but the unions are in the way. thank God for unions!!!
No engineers in the cabs to wave to!
Some aspects of safety were said to be better, but could be worse for safety of the operator from PEOPLE - 2 man crews in some areas may be better.
I think it’s a good thing if one man can do pickups/switching on low volume lines that otherwise couldn’t be served with profit by 2 man crews.
Safety is a huge issue because a man in the cab can see more than a man on the ground.
The engineer has a feel for the controls and the weight of a train.
lost jobs is another negative.
God forbid on the idea of trains controlled by satelitte…they can’t see people walking along the tracks or activity at grade crossings.That would be a recipe for multiple disasters, not to mention class action suits from the families of the dead and injured.
RCL’s(remote Control Locomotive) are not new to industry. They have been active in Canada for many years now. I am a federally licensed remote control locomotive operator for U.P. I hate to see the remotes take over but our unions will not fight against it so someone has to do it. In my eyes the remotes are not unsafe. They are actually safer than having to rely on an engineer. Everyone keeps thinking that it takes many years to become an engineer and that is simply untrue. The fact is that a person employed by the U.P. can become an engineer even before reaching 1 year of employment!!! 19 and 20 year old engineers are not uncommon. Anyways back to the remotes. The remotes have speed selectors so that the operator is not actually manipulating the controls to make the train move. The computer figures it all out based on the weight and other factors. if the computer senses wheel spin or dragging brakes it will stop. If the operator falls or tilts at a 45 degree angle for 5 seconds the train stops. If the remote recieves no communication for 50 seconds it automatically stops. In my eyes this is a safer way of running trains. The use of RCL’s have not cost anyone a job. They will however decrease the amount of engineers hired later. There will just be fewer engineers trained. I am not a fan of these RCL’s but hey someone has to do it because our unions want us to. Now why would I refuse to operate the remotes and walk away from my $80,000 a year job working 3-4 days a week max?
I thought I replied but i guess i didn’t, so I will now.
The biggest problem is, What happens when, God forbid, The locomotive Hits someone… theres a chance no one could know!, and a good one at that
So when the train winds up at its final destination and 3 mangled bodies are discovered on the locomotive…
Imagibe the investigators figuring that out? they wouldn’t know where the people came from, what crossing they were hit at or what these people even looked like
Remot controls are thinking with your wallet, not your brain
to quote a brillian person, who that Is i can’t rememebr
And another brilliant person above
A man in the cab can see more then a man on the ground
very good saying, So I invented this saying
Kevin, God forbid anyone ever gets hit by a train. One thing that needs to be cleared up is that these things are not unmanned. The rcl(remote control locomotive) must have point protection. This means that the locomotive must not be moved unless the operator can see that the track in front of him is clear and when going over crossings the employee must have someone on the point for crossing protection. The only reason that these rcl units really work is because they are used in switching yards for now!! Each yard has a specified zone where the rcl can be operated without point protection. These areas have big green signs stating that we operate in those areas. Before any employee can do anything in those zones they must contact the crew who is in charge of that zone. once that zone is occupied by anyone other than the primary rcl then all crews must protect their point until all other crews have exited the zone. Another not is these things will stop the train by gps and pucks put in between the rail before go out of the zone.
Just thought you should know…
In light of the article that just came out in Trains Sept. 2003 I want to know what IS or what you THINK would be the biggest problem regarding the freight yard remote control units.
Most of all the other forums on this topics had negative opinons on the subject, but me, a dumb railfan, didn’t even know the mechanics of how the darn thing works.
The article brings up several points: learning to operate, injuries, deaths, all tasks not completed in the same day pushes assignments to next day, and engineer operators being laid off.
Now as you get your magazine in the mail or go a bookstore or library to read the article we can all hopefully be on the same page.
What’s the worst part of it all? Besides hurting employees is this gonna hurt the railroad?
Conversly, what are the best aspects, if any, of remote control?
Remote controls can not run our railroads. The amount of crossing accidents and derailments would go up very fast, not to mention all of the lost jobs. I am totally against remote control operated trains. I do not think we should worry though because are a long way from unmanned trains.
I just got the Sept. 2003 mag. I don’t think it will work. There is a picture in some trains mag. that shows a lot of WARNING sighns! It looks like it about to spell railroad DOOME .
As a railroader who works in both yard and road service I have seen first hand the effects of rco operations. It is in my opinion the wrong step for the railroads to be taking. But the bottom line is that they are reducing the yard crew by one third. The biggest problem is number crunching harvard grads who have never switched a car a day in there life. it will not end there. Talk is now the UP is testing software that would permit trains to be ran by satillite. A comment was made we can put a man on the moon we can sure as hell run a train by satillite but the unions are in the way. thank God for unions!!!
No engineers in the cabs to wave to!
Some aspects of safety were said to be better, but could be worse for safety of the operator from PEOPLE - 2 man crews in some areas may be better.
I think it’s a good thing if one man can do pickups/switching on low volume lines that otherwise couldn’t be served with profit by 2 man crews.