I thought it was absolutely fantastic!!! I saw some guys posting on the other forum about how unrealistic it was, and negative comments. Couldn’t believe it!!! Just shows how some imaginations are restricted, I know Buckeye could build some of those bridges if was so inclined.
“Wow” is right! It’s amazing what some people can put together with a little money and a lot of imagination. If you read the bios you see why the videography is so good, too.
Don … I totally agree with you " FANTASTIC " … plus I don’t know about you fellows but I think they could be rated as hollywwod grade … great useage of the videos being recorded by another moving train instead of a still tripod mounted camera … I really enjoyed watching every second of them .
I like it. I think the simple scratch built bridges are interesting simple and light. One swingup bridge on my layout is made out of plywood with 2x4s pieces drilled for the hinge. Looks crude but it works.
**but…**I hope he never ever has a car come out of one of those high tunnels on to the high bridge with wheels off of the track due to his cat leaving something like a dead mouse in the tunnel. [:O]
Yes, I really like those bridges and high speed runs with the camera car taking videos- it gets me inspired to build something amazing. That said, I was looking at it again and the floor is painted like a river (expoy) with blue paint.
Surfing around and found this layout. WOW! is right. I am still looking for ways to add 2nd and 3rd levels to my layout. I wander If I could do something like this? We shall see.