Wow! Little tin train fetches BIG BUCKS!

I think this is an American Flyer set. Click on the bids to see how it played out.

Looks like some of the less expensive European manufactured trains.



Thanks for sharing this with us! I had seen this train on ebay before, but never checked up on it to see what it went for. This is a very rare set made by American Flyer. It is much more cheaply made than other AF products of that era. You will notice that it doesn’t have the name American Flyer on it anywhere. The reason is because it was so cheaply made and AF didn’t want to cheapen their name. This was made during the depression to be marketed to those who couldn’t afford their better trains. They also made a steam set with passenger cars marked Empire Express, which is much more common. Soon after, they came out with their Hummer brand, which was the same as the Empire Express steam sets, but with a different name. Lionel did a simmilar thing in the 30’s with their Winner brand.

That truly is a beautiful set and someone must be very happy to have gotten it. I love the lithographed colors and they are still real sharp. Thanks for the briefing, Sask, I don’t recall ever seeing this set. They must of made it to compete with Marx.

Here’s another one I’ve been eyeing. Not as nice as the Am. Flyer but characteristic of that same era of toy trains. Has some condition problems - but has transformer and maybe original track.

That Henry Katz set is very nice, too. The track isn’t original, I think it’s American Flyer. The Katz set had track that made a small circle with sharp curves. Actually, if memory serves me correctly, I think this set ran on a different gauge of track unique to that company that was close to O.

Did you happen to see the Hoge circus set that sold back in Febuary ,I think. Sold for $1600+. Only one I’ve seen like it. Had a streamlined steam engine, two animated circus cars with animals inside and I think it had a caboose. I’d still like to pick-up a Hoge Streamliner set, based on th M10000, prices are up there though and condition on alot of them is not so good.

The Katz set is really cool. Katz usually doesn’t go for big $$$. I really like the powerhouse transformer.
