WPF 28-30 May 2010

DJ … Oh I get it. That was an express boxcar, and it is followed by other types of headend cars. … Great scene!

Dave and Motly … Nice pix!

My first contribution to WPF. This is my third scratch build. I got the design from some pics online of a LaserArt kit. I shorten it up a bit for my SW-7 and I think it turned out quite well. I used SMT LED’s for interior lighting. I soldered the SMT’s to a PC tie glued to the rafters. This engine house will go on the Swift Soybean Processing Plant yard for the dedicated switcher. The Soybean plant is patterned after an article in MRR a couple of years ago.

Great start to the weekend, on page 2 already making up for that slow one last week. [:D]

I completed a couple of factory paints with some light weathering and fading, weight to NMRA std, matal wheels and Kadee couplers

DH25027 is a 50’ double door, round roof boxcar by Bowser

PTM 2031 boxcar is by Accurail. Portland Terminal RR was a Maine Central subsidary.

Very NIce Work Scubaterry

These are some cars I just finished prior to having hip replacement surgery last week.

Stewart 14 Panel Coal Hopper, painted black and lettered with Herald King Decals.

Athearn Gondola, painted black and lettered with Herald King Decals, Chooch Load.

Front Range 40’ Boxcar Kit. The DT&I rebuilt a number of ACF and Greenville XM Boxcars, into Insulated XLI Boxcars with Plug Doors for Campbell Soup Service. Car is painted Yellow and Black with a Galvanized Roof. Herald King Decals,

Atlas 6 Bay 3510 ACF Covered Hopper, painted Gray and lettered with Mark Vaughn Decals.

Thanks for looking.


flagmen parade by night


Some great stuff and soo early in the weekend. This is going to be a great one. [:)]

The Hudson Highlands RR was in need of a transfer caboose recently. Rumaging through my scrap box I came up with the materials to do a “quick & dirty” (i.e. rush job) version over the course of Saturday afternoon/Sunday morning last weekend. The car still needs marker light lenses, a toolbox and maybe a small fuel tank added, but is otherwise complete enough to start handling the transfer jobs between my carfloat dock and Jacksboro, NY.


Here is my progress to date…

Here is the new staging yard or at least the shelf. I pan on having two tracks the lenght of the shelf and a third track the runs down about half of the shelf before tying back in.

You can follow my progress on my blog:

SP&S Oregon Trunk

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Hello everyone. The only thing i have is a video of my layout, here is the link.



You mentioned that your broadway limited AC6000 goes haywire. What exactly do you mean? It’s possible that you have to turn off DC mode in CV29.

I’ve mostly been weathering some freight cars, since last WPF

I really must get some progress done on the new layout so I have somewhere to run all this new stuff.


Great shots everyone, thanks to those down under for starting this weekend! Some great shots by all Well, no video at this time, as there isn’t much to tell. King Furniture is out, and in it’s place will be an industrial district with plenty of places to spot cars, but not heavily overdone with spurs (or so I hope). Right now that plan is in the beginning stages an there’s several ideas I have for it. Part of that plan involves ripping up part of the forest, which I did, and now I’ve flushed out the lake corner forest and just completed the scene except for gluing down the scenery and superdetailing. GP9 #3 rounds the curve with a Conrail boxcar in tow: A view of some more of the train from a different location on the lake: A boxcar close-up: close-up of the motive power: overall view: [SIZE=“4”][COLOR=“Red”]N-JOY![/COLOR][/SIZE]

Well it will stop and start, it resets itself everytime i put it on the rails, and the volume has a mind of its own up and down. I’ve tried actually reseting it using CV8 but that doesnt work. I will try CV29 and see what happens.


With those symptoms it’s probably not CV29 but it won’t hurt to try. Is the loco a Blueline or Paragon 2? If it’s a paragon then there will be a hard reset button under the shell that you can try.

Its the old paragon version i will try the reset button.


Dave/Kamoto - the CSX GE is very well done. Subtle. Jon Grant - excellent work.


Even though I have a small layout I really wanted one Articulated lettered for the ME&O

I got a Bachmann 2-6-6-2 and it is just about the same size as my Berk so it looks Ok

I also framed and hung some more prints and test ran my 2662 and PRR 2-10-0

Wow, I thought I was the only one who ever did that! Unfortunately the only “Australian” I know sounds either like Crocodile Dundee or a Monty Python sketch ('Allo, Bruce!).

Nothing from me yet this weekend. My new job could suck rust off the rails! Takes all my time and does not pay Caboose, well yet.

Thanks to my Monon friend Jim I have added to the engine and Caboose roster. Picked up a pair of NYC PK 1000 F-3’s soon to be wearing Monon colors and finally a great looking Monon Caboose! All so bought a pair of F-9’s by Stewart. With my other F’s I now have 12. Have more F’s than when I was in school.

Micheal, looking pretty good. Not being a pro in any way shape or form I do have a couple of ideas that you might like. I started out with store bought trees like you. Problem is they all look the same and are around the same height. I am sure some will post a link, but you might try making fern trees using bamboo BBQ skewers and blue furnaces filters from Wall Mart. You can make around 70 of them for about $40.00.

These show some of the first ones I made and then second batch that looks much better. Third batch, I have no pictures of handy.

Far as your plaster rocks (they are plaster?) they look great and a little to unformed to be natural. Might be the look you are going for like it was blasted out of a hillside. Plus I don;t know what else you are going to model in the area. You might try using some foam to make look a little less man made.

One last thing, there is good chances you will regret the green grass mat like I do the thin outdoor carpet I used. If there is only one thing I wou