WPF 4-15-11

Getting a late start this week…

Bringing back an old photo. The B&M slug set on the grade by the gravel loader on my HO layout. All Athearn that I painted with details. The slug is kitbashed from a dummy GP-9

This is a coal mine tucked into the snow covered rockies, near the UP (formerly D&RGW) Moffat Tunnel subdivision in Colorado.


Perhaps you should edit the date on this thread.

I’d post some pictures but Photobucket has screwed up my account for 4 days so I can’t access my pictures, I would find another host if I were all of you.



I don’t have anything new this week but here’s a favorite oldie

Hmmmm… wonder where everyone is today, on vacation maybe?


That’s a great scene and photo, Jarrell, lots of great details.

Head end power swap complete, K4s to E8. DJ.!(http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm237/GrampysTrains/EMD E8 5766/P1050391.jpg)

Rock Tunnel at Silver Valley RR.


An inbound load of dried possum arrives at the feed store!

Workers repairing a pipe in front of a demolition job

Wow, that is fantastic modeling! I congratulate you!

Today, as I drove to work, I saw an unusual thing for the suburbs of Boston - a dead beaver by the side of the road. This odd event inspired me to start the scenery project which will become both the scrapyard and the swamp.

Not too many city planners actually mark out an area on their maps where the swamp will go, I suspect, but if you get that wrong people are going to have damp basements. Anyway, watch this space for further developments. I’ve already got the 1:87 beavers.

Not a model. That’s 1:1. Can’t even get to it now as the area now belongs to a gravel supplier.

Well, then, it’s a fantastic photo. For those of us who occasionally over-weather our models, it’s nice to know “there’s a prototype for everything.” The rust belt, for those of us modeling the late Transition Era, didn’t go away. Like the belt on my pants, it just seems to have move a bit further south. [(-D]

Farm- Freight Depot-Servicing side finished


Love the Pogo logo! My all time favourite cartoon. “We have met the enemy and he is us!” For those of you who are not familiar with Walt Kelly’s comic strip check this out:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pogo_(comics) Edit: This link doesn’t want to post quite right so try it and select “Pogo (comics)” to get there.


How did you do the artwork on the reefer?


“…Walla Walla Wash., an’ Kalamazoo…”[(-D]

Hello everybody. Great photos were posted today.

Here’s a picture of a “pike-sized” Zephyr arriving in Prairie View

Nice Slug!

Just a WIP for me today, but I rarely post here anyways.

It would seem Is snagged the last of the Conrail HiRailers from FDT. I like Conrail, but I wanted one for the MadisonRailroad. First thing that gets done in the morning, our Road Foreman jumps in his HiRailer and tootles up the 6% incline to make sure everything is in order. And that’s every day we plan to go up or down it. Rule 1.1.1 and all.

So anyway, here’s the truck in question partially repainted.
I still have a white and blue stripe to add, some touch up where the liquid mask bled onto the hood, and I’m gonna repaint the lights on. rear bumper and front hi-railer will be repainted silver by hand. I’m also thinking of putting flags on the posts, we’ll see. Not sure if the sides of the rail wheels will stay silver, or if I pull their liquid mask off and paint them in something else. Might see if I can repaint hubcaps. There’s also a provided steering wheel and a little notch for a driver, so I think I’m gonna include me one of those and replace the windshield too. I don’t think the CMPA lettering will be applied to this one, just the stripe. It’s so tiny!

Here is an Intermountain 60’ Wood Deck Flat with Life Like CAT Generators inside AMB (American Model Builders) Laser cut skeleton frames, in addition, there are a few GC-Laser ‘Crates’ for fillers. This is not finished, only a mock-up. I wanted to see how it would look & shoot. I really want to get a few more LL Gen’s, & AMB kits to populate the car properly. I did cut down the LL air cleaner to nest in the crates. I left the bottom of the crates un-glued, so I can remove the engines, the ‘x’ members give sufficient tension on the structure to allow it to be separable from the base. The CAT’s & crates are affixed with paint mask, to allow for changes & future positioning. As it is just a mock-up, there are no tie-downs in this photo. I believe the car needs 33" wheels, (too tall 36"er’s are on it in this photo) & will need the final weathering… Enjoy!!!

Great scene and detailing. I love it!

Dave I didn’t. I participate in an interchange where a group of modellers send a freight car out on a trip all over the US. This happens to be a visiting car from another modeller. Here is a quote from him

“The car is a redone Accurail 40’ wood sided reefer with decals I made with my inkjet
printer and then weathered”.