WPF: 8/6-8/9


About another six hours to go and we have finished with Friday. No photos but there is a link to my first new camera video.

It is a fictional layout based on the far south coast of New South Wales and area that never saw a railway.

Sorry about the daggy black colour scheme that the locos and most of the rolling stock was painted in. Saves time, assemble the models and just drive them past the spray gun on a train.

Hope you enjoy



Just in time for this WPF I’ve finished my LaBelle caboose.

The stock car is also a LaBelle kit.


Bob, what engine was old 6039? Sure looked cool? Now if they only had drivers under the center! Layout looked great as well.

Cuda Ken

Thanks Cuda Ken,

42 of the locomotives operated. They were Beyer Garratt locomotives imported from England. The last one finished operating in regular service in the early 70’s and one is under restoration at the moment.

Thanks for the words on the layout


Here’s a couple of “weathering” projects I’ve been working on.

Is this the real one Bob?

Looks like a 2-8-1-1-8-2 wheel conflagration… Do you know who made the model and how old it is? I would have to guess it is brass.


Robby- I am always amazed at your weathering work…how long does it usually take you do a complete RR car?

Happy Friday (Saturday to Ausie friends) …

Wolfagang … The caboose looks real… Robby: your weathered cars are great!. … Bob the video was impressive.

My branch line runs very close to a backdrop … Here’s a local freight train.

The intermodal yard is near completion. Need to build the Mi-Jack Crane and install the yard lights.

Most of us have a favorite spot on our layout to shoot pictures and this is one of mine. Little River Shay #2 drifting down grade as a farmer holds his horses to keep them from bolting. Jarrell

There is a very good video out called The Garratts of Zimbabwe which documents that country’s continued use of the Garratt type locomotives - which at the time (1991) were still in use in mainline service. There were plans back then to keep the fleet running well into the 21st century, but that was before Zimbabwe’s current political turmoil.


Wow, Michael, it’s coming along very nicely! Keep it up [tup]


Thanks John! I appreciate that. It’s taken longer than expected, cutting the sheet styrene to match up with the edge of the rails was a major PITA. But it was worth the work.

**Galaxy…**Just depends on the car (look). If its a major rust job, a few days. Just some dust/grime, about a day and a half. Engines take several days also. When I fade the car/engine, I like for it to dry for a day. Then between the oil/powder mix, decals (when done), and dry brushing…That will take a day or so to dry. In all honestly between a day to three (or so). Also I weather everything, and that takes a few hours. Wheels, the back of the wheels, couplers, trucks, etc…

Nice work, everyone. FM H-10-44 No. 9095 switching the yard. DJ.


The brown building is made from two “Wilhelmi Mercantile” kits, while the bigger building is made from four “Hilltowne Hotel” kits, the backs from the Hilltowne Hotel became the sides for the brown building (both DPM, N scale). Eventually I’ll order another fire escape set for the brown building, and clean up the edge closest to the fire escape. Not pictured is the lobby for the bigger building, or the overhang that goes over the front doors (you can see where it broke off). The larger building also has four or five individual rooms that light up.

I know these should be on the layout, but the lighting on the washing machine made taking pictures a lot easier.

Today I worked at the opening day for Day Out with Thomas at Boothbay Railway Village. I shot a video of the first run of the day and a few other things. The video shows real 2 foot narrow gage trains more than the blue one.


Aha! It’s the weekend again… I sometimes lose track as every week around here has 6 Saturdays and one Sunday in it…

Grampy! Another WOW to you. Wonderful photo. George, my 3 year old Granddaughter would love the Thomas Ride! (Next year, but closer to home.)

I have been continuing to take and analyze photos using my new 10-22MM lens. Here’s some I’ll share.

Around the Roundhouse area at Hopewell Junction:

A couple of the yard area itself:

Including “Guy’s Gas”. Guy is really into the new petroleum thing. His wife’s name is Ethel.

And a couple of the yard lead area: