WPF Feb 10-12

Excellent work everyone, nicely done!!!

I wanted to try using a couple of ‘F’ knuckles for my locomotives. To me the difference between the small ‘E’ & the large ‘F’ is FAT, as the ‘F’ with the Shelf as supplied by Kadee (#118) is pretty massive. They are compatible & will all interconnect & work great with other cpuplers I have tried! However, on this stock Undecorated Kato SD40-2, the pockets are a little large & coupler is drooping a bit. They may need a shim on the front to level them up. I attempted to take a shot at each angle in scale, but one shot was drifted away from the lens slightly, so they are not 1:1 exact in the way I joined both individual shots.

Instead of trying to neatly place the shingle strips on the roof of the model, I find that making a template of each part of the roof and applying the strips to them, makes roofing easier and more accurate. The triangles indicate the bottom edge of the roof where the shingles are horizontal. Click on phototo enlarge it.Then, click oh “Previous or Next” to view other parts of my 24’x24’ around the room layout. Bob Hahn

I wish I had a before shot. Just picture it looking a lot like this:


WOW, That is terrific! Nice Work!
(Just cuz, I’m trying to weather a RB unit just like that, but you’all shame my efforts!!) Ha hah…

Nice!, could you show how the coupler is mounted? Did you use a Kadee box? More pictures [tup]

D&H #27073 in its a [+o(] color scheme. Sorry, I just couldn’t say the “G” word [:#] [(-D]

Here is a recent pic from the workbench of a loco I painted and detailed a few years ago.

Great structures, Wolfgang! Scratchbuilt?

Agro, that is really nice work. Wish I had that talent!

Terry in NW Wisconsin

I love this picture! The background blends in so well and the grass looks great!

5[*]'s and a [tup] from me!

Got some homework this weekend, no time for trains. [:'(]


Thanks! Yes, it is a Kadee box, with the circular side bits cut off for a better look. For the main body, I laminated two strips of styrene (0.125 x 0.250 and 0.040 x 0.250) to create a lip to glue the box to.

Then, it was just a matter of drilling holes and using some 5/16" 2-56 screws to hold the bottom plate and coupler in. The screws are just a little too long, but it doesn’t bother me much. Using a little thicker styrene would solve the problem.

As always so much creative and impressive modeling going on around these parts!

A week ago my second train room renovation looked like this:

Now it is ready and awaiting the painters to do the floor.

Did some rebuilding of my workshop area also. Had to to find room to put all the stuff removed from the train room…


That is NOT a REAL train room!

Where is the clutter on the floor?

No prize for you!


[quote user=“BroadwayLion”]

That is NOT a REAL train room!

Where is the clutter on the floor?

No prize for you!


Hey Lion didn’t you see those two pile of stuff??

By the way do you know Jimmy, Elaines friend?


Clutter… Top photo. Need to paint floor, no clutter allowed by painters! Normally me has lots of clutter (see below):

I am a Real Model Railroader! So there![:-,][(-D]


When can I get my kitchen table back, LOL? [:P]

Tom [:D]

Hi Tom! Actually the workbench is the remains of an old 1860’s square piano I was given to dispose of from an Episcopal Church I used to work in… It is solid, I tell ya!



Glad to know one of those old square grands is good for SOMETHING–they never could hold a tuning worth a darn, LOL!



Thanks Wiki, I like em’

Week two of the evolving urban scenery for Cumberland. Finished up the freight house with some signage, and started cobbling together the neighborhood behind it from the scrap heap…

That would be Hoffman Manufacturing looming there in the background. I’m not sure exactly what they’ll be manufacturing there, but you can bet there will be 40’ boxcars involved… Phil Hoffman had given me the remains of a Walthers kit he used for a bash… There was enough for one full wall, so I did some editing and some scratch bashing to get around the corner, and filled in the blanks on the right hand wall with some DPM modular stuff. Here’s a shot of the “fudged” wall…

Can you tell what I had to fabricate?

I’ll be working on putting the lights in that this weekend.


Gidday, Kitbash in progress.

Rather modest in comparison but that and the fact that I can now post photos without causing a meltdown is, to my mind at least, not bad going.

Cheers, The Bear.