WPF for 28 Jan- 03 Feb 2011

Great stuff so far guys! Robby, I love the real snow shot. Beuatiful! It’s been around -30ºC (that’s about -22ºF for those of you to the south) out here in Nova Scotia this past week, and we’ve got lots of the white stuff!

Last week, I got my first Rapido RTR LRC Club car. It’s just as beautiful as the coaches previously delivered, and is a much needed addition to my VIA Rail roster. The car was delivered in the 1980’s-1998 VIA paint, with the old “VIA 1” logo. To equip it for my 2001+ modelling interests, I had to add modern decals to the car to add the new VIA 1 logos, “Canada” wordmark, handicap decals, and rooftop access panels. All of these were from Rapido’s LRC decal set.

After applying these decals, I also set about to add Wi-Fi internet service. Rapido includes the detail parts for the white Wi-Fi domes VIA had mounted on the LRCs through the mid-2000s (the newest incarnation of their Wi-Fi service doesn’t require these domes, so they have been mostly removed). I thought it was a very neat detail, so I decided to add it.

Installation involved drilling 5 holes in the roof of the car for the mounting pins on the base frame (4) and the dome itself (1) to fit in the roof. After drilling, I glued it in place. Probably took me about 5 minutes, but makes a very nice addition!

Here’s my modernized Club car (you can compare to the images on the Rapido website to see the original paint scheme):

Crandell … Thanks for starting WPF. Nice shot! Interesting mix of loco and cars.

Robby … Old shots look terrific today

Tyler … Benchwork looks solid. Keep up the good work.

Jarrell … Your scenes are first class. Love this one.

Wolfagang … Nice scene, too. Looks real.

DJ … I’ll never tire from seeing your Pennsy.

Michel. Great shot of the BNSF power.

Larry … I like your Ohio Central GP7

Steamage. Your picture makes me feel like I’m in AZ again.

Tim … I like the VIA train.

I worked on my scrap yard this week. There is more to do, but it is now mostly done. (The last picture in this group was earlier in the week before I added men cutting up the old structural steel in the center. The junk yard dog next to the shanty is almost to muddy to see.


say I just want to know how the driver of that truck got that long peace of bridge down the road without getting a ticket for bring over length? he he it does look good . if i can asked where did you grt the craine with the funny weight?

slow trai Ed

Hoping that lightning will strike twice, are ya?? [(-D]

Nice shot! And I still like the rails.


Tyler, nice work! Can you explain more about what you’re doing with the backdrop?? Are you planning to make it removable in segments? Staging behind it perhaps? I’ve been giving some thought to doing something like that, at least in places maybe, and was wondering if anybody else has tried it, and if so, how it looks when completed?


I remade the painting, markings and weathering on my rebuilt Bachmann Shay:

Wow, that’s quite a beast, Graffen. Nice job!



I absolutely love that scrap yard scene. You’re scene sure looks a lot better than the one I saw in the Walthers catalog a couple of months ago. Very well detailed!!

/bow in honor

Thats nothin! Its bout 75-80 here in LA.[8D] AHHH, hated all that rain [|(]but now i guess Mother Nature remembered this was LA and in doesnt rain here! BTW Mother Nature, no more rain please![(-D]

Thanks! The reason the backdrops looks a bit odd (not joined together and with mismatching paint) is because they were savaged from my previous layout. I haven’t yet joined them together at the seams yet. The new layout will be a one-horse branchline with the only staging being the visible Pan Am interchange track at Clinton. See the link in my signature - there’s a trackplan posted somewhere.

This new layout will be moveable, so I can just cut through whatever will join the backdrops together, remove any buildings going across the seams of the 2’x4’ mini-dominoes, cut the rails at the seams with a Dremel, then remove a couple screws and lift the entire mini-domino off the frame. The benchwork underneath is just a basic frame with nothing fancy.

Messing around with some Radical Flats.

Michael … THANKS ! … I like your Denver photo very much, too. Here is a different angle of teh junkers. The 1947 IH stake truck was fun to build. …

Graffen … The SHay looks outstanding!

Larry (Clinch Valley) … Your city looks busy. Impressive power there.

Great stuff so far this weekend guys…

Garry: I really like your choice of power

Here is my new passenger train…

Glad the train isn’t any more cars…I would have to sell off the rest of my trains.

Greg … Thanks for the remark. GN and NP have running rights on my railroad. I just clicked your link to your Oregon Trunk blog. I am very impressed with your layout construction. Excellant!

Garry, the scrap yard has that “junk yard” look. I like what you did with the old cars & truck. Still putting the last few details on my Skelly Gas Station-Cafe scene.

Great modeling and photography again this week everyone. You are an inspiration.

My latest project is not ready for the big time yet so I’ll post an old photo that I like.

Nothing exotic but a fairly good image I think.

Keep up the good work guys, this is always the best thread of the week.

More HORSE-power has arrived on my N scale Allegheney & Cumberland …

Does anyone know of a place where anyone has posted a “how to” for the conversion of a Bachmann 3-T Shay to a 2-T?

Yup, somebody posted such a post here not too long ago-- a couple of months ago I think. Use the search box to find it though. But it was a very good conversion, I thought.
