WPF Sept 5/7

Well i finally got working on my BENCHWORK and i hope i will be running some trains in a few weeks. Heres a pic of what i have done so far!

Here’s a few simple snow pix of WRS 1701 racing northwards.

Out of those four, that one has to be my favorite. BTW, great pictures everyone, I’ll some for ya’ll later.

Hey Guilford Guy!! You can’t post pics like that without a description of what you did to take them!!! Outstanding!![tup][tup]

A glimpse of the season that’s just around the corner.


Haha… it was really quite simple…

Here’s a couple pix from before with a blue tint.

great pics everyone, Here are a few of mine. I present the hobo hotel which is an abandoned caboose turned into a stopping point for hobos on the move. it is based off of the woodland scenics possom hollow kit.

and here is one just for fun.

Lol… you’ve proved what I keep saying, it doesn’t matter what’s just out of sight of the camera, it only matters what the camera sees.

good job!


Edited by selector - images removed in consideration of those not on fast internet connections.

A reminder, please, to limit your reproductions (quoting) of favoured images to perhaps one image. If you duplicate an entire string, it takes considerably longer for those on dial-up and other slow connections to get to enjoy what everyone is doing.

Thanks, fellas.


Guilford Guy-- raw special effects!

Robby- you are ever improving!

How’d you create the blowing/flying snow Alex? I’m almost afraid to come collect my unit, you seem to be having so much fun with it![swg] I’m sending you an email…

I had a spare piece of styrene tubing. I set up the camera with a two second timer, and a good sized amount of snow just before the plow of the loco. I hit the shutter, and blew on the snow bank, which sent baking powder flying through the air, giving the blizzardy look, and the idea of speed, with the snow flung off to the sides. I’d really like to try this with a russel plow sometime, and a good camera that you can adjust the shutter speed on…


I can almost SMELL the bark on those logs. Fabulous! [bow]

Tom [:D]

No new images from me this week. Spent the week painting and weathering my rs-2 “t-rex” from last week wpf. I wanted to do a patch job for the numbers using woodland senics rub on numbers, painted over and use masking tape to peel off the numbers but was highly unsuccessful. Those of you who have patch jobs how did you do it or any suggestions on how to do this. I want it to look like the numbers were stuck on by the paint shop and then painted over so the paint from the loco sticks out. Any better ideas are appreciated. Well off to work at 3:30 am this is crap.

Hmmm… [:-,]

Tyler, how 'bout you bring that lugger up to the QNE sometime, eh?

A very lightly weathered CR GP38-2…

Great snow scene Alex !

I spent this last week working on the C&O station at Cotton Hill

Using some photos from the C&O Historical Society

as a guide

Proto type front

My version front

Proto type rear

My version rear

You can see the construction photos here


I really like to build water towers. More shots of NTRAK modules set up in the great outdoors.