Right DJ, because having an Alco going VRMMBAB VMBABVMBA overhead is a good way to at
Beautiful scene, Grampy. I like the lush grass on the right bank of the river, what is it?
Agreed. I really like those period correct night shots.
Thanks, guys. Rob, tomorrow in SE, 2 weeks, for rest of the state.
Jarrell, that is Silfor, Summer collection, I think, from Scenic Express. DJ.
It’s been too long since I posted anything so here goes.
Jaeger Kit of Weyerhaeuser Load
Another Jeager Kit of Hampton Lumber Load this one was done a lot better than the first pic because it was the first one I did.
And finally, two plate steel loads scratchbuilt out of styrene. They aren’t done, but I will try to get them done sometime next week. They are placed on two Athearn 60’ flat cars decorated for BNSF. I weathered the decks with paint and powders.
Pasture area on the right side of the around the walls is done
Need to add the house- barns -silo and other structures
Nice work on this pasture. However, I would advise you to flock together you animals. In real life, cows, horses and sheeps tend to stay together and often near a water spot. For sheeps pasture, it is a common sight to see animal trail along the fences. It would give more dynamic appeal to this scenery without extra work. Anyway, a train running through countryside is a never dying classic.
Decided to try posting a pic to the forum, we’ll see if this works.
It’s an undec atlas hopper that I painted and weathered… haven’t done much weathering and it looks more like it was used as an outhouse for a flock of crows than I intended.
I didn’t get it to post right, got a link to it instead… it was a flickr page and I don’t remember the rules on posting links so I edited that out. I’ll have to re-read the instructions and try again. Sorry everyone.
several edits later: Thank you selector, I finally figured out how to copy the link to the photo!
You need the URL for the full-sized image bracketed closely by the img tags. They have the square brackets around them.
Railfanned another modeler’s Olean, Bradford and Western today.
Caught B & P 202 working the Olean Yard while a Pennsy Trainmaster awaits to enter the yard.
Just east of Warren, Caught a manifest freight enroute to Albany from Cleveland.
That’s one of your better pics Jeffrey [Y]
Some of my equipment in the display case
This is too cool! Great work executing a great idea.
I like that scheme Chad!..that could work. maybe you should submit it to the brass and see what they think!
Thanks for the compliment, as I built it it was hard not to grab the red paint, the additional detailing & my mind made it a CP unit. Also, when I started getting the decals on it, it really ‘did’ work, IMO.
Yes, I did send it to CP, one of the two people auto responded ‘Out of the Office’ so we’ll see.
I think it could be ‘Plausible’
Thanks again!
Great work everyone!
Crandell, another great steam locomotive photo.
MAbruce, thats a great trestle bridge.
Grampy, a wonderful scene. I need some water on my layout!
Here are a couple of shots from the BRVRR:
NYC GP40 Passing through Berea Station at the head of a short freight.
NYC S-3 874 draws a crowd as the crew prepares to move a box car.
Keep the photos and ideas coming guys. You always make this the best thread of the week.
What is the story with this backdrop? Is it a commercial backdrop? If so, where does it come from?
Very nice! By the way wan’t that scene (your last night scene) also modelled by the late John Armstrong also? I believe I remember a picture of that scene also in an old Model Railroder?
Bedt regards, Olav