WS Blended Turf

Is there anywhere in the US that looks like WS Blended turf? I know your supposed to add different color turf (already started that), but just as a base coat, does anything look like that other that golf courses?

Well, if you look at your typical neighborhood, you’ll see a big variety in shades of grasses depending on how much TLC the homeowner puts into his lawn. Also, the season makes a big difference in the shade of grass. Spring grass tends to be more lush than than in the drier summer months. WS gives you lots of options depending on what type of grass you are trying to model. That’s a good thing.

all depends on how you use it. that’s green blend between the tracks, in fact most of the turf in this shot is green blend topped with weeds in some areas, and burnt grass in others.

I model a town, and some are green, some are burnt. It depends on whether the “homeowner” waters or not.

Some I blend, and use about three different colors in “wild” areas.


SD Fan:

As you said it yourself…It’s a blending thing.

Yes, it would make for a greatly cared for lawn or golf green. It also is good, sparsely “pinched” simulating weeds in the dirt.

I use MANY layers, textures and colors. Some of it is simply sifted dirt or spent tea leaves! Mix it up and it’ll be what you are looking for.

BTW, river eagle…

Very nice looking picture. Thanks for sharing.

It is just what you called it, a “base coat”. I have used WS Blended Turf extensively either as a base coat, adding additional layers of other colors on top of it or, alternatively, mixing other colors into the base coat before applying it.

WS offers a huge variety of colors and textures including, but not limited to, Fine, Coarse and Blended, Light, Medium and Dark Green, Earth, Soil and Weeds. I keep a shaker of each on hand for touch up purposes.

But, to answer your question, besides golf courses, my lawn looks just like WS Blended Turf and i have the water bill to prove it.