WS plaster cloth VS. SE plaster wrap

I’ve noticed that the scenic express plaster wrap is a bit cheaper than wooodland scenics plaster cloth. I’m thinking I’ll maybe buy a roll or 2 of SE plaster wrap. I have a couple of questions on the SE stuff in compassion to WS.

A) How long does it take to dry?

B) Does it get as hard as the WS stuff?

C) Is there anything else I should know?

I have used both - Very similar. The drying time is about 30 minutes for both. Most of the plaster cloth I have used is from medical supply houses. They have ‘seconds’ that did not wrap on the spindle correctly or have other imperfections. Places like ASW Express or Ortho Tape can be found on the Internet.
Also, Hobby Lobby has 3" and 6" wide rolls that you can purchase with their 40% off coupons. IIRC, even eBay has deals on the stuff.


I would beg to differ because I used WS plaster cloth once and it took 20 hours or so.

20 Hours? It should start setting up after 20 minutes. It will get very warm as it cures, which can take a couple of hours at most. I have seen plaster take several hours if one puts some vinegar in the mix - a pretty common way to get a ‘delay’. before it starts setting up.

One other possibility is that the roll had been sitting around for some time and had soaked up the humidity in the house. I have over 100 rolls of plaster wrap on my layout and our club layout - I have never run into what you are describing


I agree, there had to be some serious issues w/ the plaster formula or it had been exposed to moisture. Even a bad batch should still dry, old plaster may cure improperly and crumble, but not seen anything take 20 hours. Even Drywall mud will be dry in that time.