WTB: Walthers code 83 #7 1/2 left curved turnouts

I need two of the above referenced turnouts. Does anyone have a couple in good working order that they would like to convert to cash? If so, please email condition & asking price to skagitrailbird@gmail.com

ModelTrainStuff shows two in stock: http://www.modeltrainstuff.com/Walthers-HO-8888-Code-83-7-5-Curved-Left-Tur-p/948-8888.htm

I have a couple that I rescued from my recent tear-down, but they are not handy, and I can’t recall whether they are left or right (pretty sure one of each), but they are curved W/S #7.5’s

You do realize that their claimed inner radius path is about three inches longer than the reality? I don’t know how that happened, but I had to cut the webbing in the ties and stretch the inner routes somewhat wider than they come from the factory. Didn’t affect them negatively, and helped them to serve my needs better by doing that.

Say the word…


I’m game if they are both 7.5 lefties and fully functional. Yes I know the radii advertized is not correct but, like you, I have been able to modify them a bit to suit my needs. If you find you have two lefties, please let me know what you want for them.


Thanks, maxman. I am aware they are available from several hobby shops but I’m hoping to hit the budget a bit more gently. [:)]
