XtrkCad question

Ok, I give up. How do you add track to the very first piece you’ve laid? Everytime I click to add a piece I only succeed in moving the first piece to the point I clicked on.


Place the first piece of track where you want it, then press the spacebar to lock it in place. Then when you click with your mouse, another piece of the same type of track becomes available. Align it to the piece you just “locked.” (If you’re working with curves or turnouts, you can shift+left-click to flip the piece the other direction.) Then press spacebar again to anchor that one.

Did I answer your question? (I am a big XtrkCad fan).

I was getting worried no one would answer, and I appreciate you taking the time. The program looks like a very good one, I just wi***here was a good manual to go with it. Hard copy type manual, I mean.