Are you in any RR Yahoo groups? If you are in some please list them. I’m in Yahoo groups and I find them very helpful. If you are a railfan you can join groups in your area and find what rare stuff is coming through.
yeah dougal y aren’t u on
There are so many Yahoo groups you may find it a full-time situation.
WARNING: I dropped out of all Yahoo groups due to the massive amount of SPAM and PORN that started coming in, in droves, within a few days of my signing on.[V]
My SPAM and antivirus blockers were very busy quarantining this junk…up to 60 messages a day.[V]
When I signed off the Yahoo, the junk faded away fairly quickly…my SPAM blocker only has to quarantine about 10 junk messages a day now…and no more porn at all. [8D]
This may not happen to you. I know of others who experienced the same problems as I did.
Same here Mike
I belonged to about a dozen groups at the same time. Too much crap was getting through so I dumped all but 4 of them. These 4 don’t have a lot of crap coming though so I’m staying with them
There are a couple ways around the Yahoo spam problems- Go to “My Groups”, then “My Account”. Scroll down , you’ll see a link to “Edit your MArketing Preferences”.
Hit it, then go in and check “No” on all the items listed, including contacting by mail or phone. This alone took care of probably 80-90% of the spam I was getting. Yahoo automatically assumes you want all this valuable information, and if your profile indicates you’re over 18 you’ll get hammered with it.
Alternately, use a Hotmail or different Yahoo address (or similar) in your profile just for the profile, set all your accounts to “no email” and read the messages on the website.
areibel :
Thanks for the Yahoo spam-blocker tips.
And click on E-mail Preferences on the My Groups page, and turn off the two items in there.
It did not happen to me. I started more than a month ago and got NO spam.
Another tip. Make sure your anti-virus is up to date. Every time I log onto Yahoo I get a notification from my anti-virus that it has quaranteened one or more infected internet temp files.
At one time I really liked their groups. Now it is a big hassle to use them due to all the ads they have that pop up. Every third or forth message you read has an ad pop up.
I have a group called The Model Railroaders Club.
Here’s a link, we need more members:
When you join a group make sure you choose NO EMAIL, I’m the head of some groups and almost all choose to get email! I don’t trust Yahoo itself AT ALL!!! They send me SPAM before I even thought of joining! When I joined and selected NO EMAIL the junk stopped.
I am a bit prejudiced towards Yahoo groups in that I started there when I first had online capability around four or five years ago. It’s only in the last several months, since I got the new, “real” computer and a cable broadband connection, that I have the speed to realistically even start checking out these forums. I sincerely believe that I have gotten the most useful info, and the least “fluff” in the Yahoo groups.
I receive the digest versions so don’t get a lot of the crap and virus’, etc. others have mentioned.
I just checked and I am on 95 lists, all but one relates to trains and model railroading, so I guess I qualify as a “satisfied customer”.
Most of the spam etc people get is from cookies that have been installed on your hard drive. I use Spy Bot and Adaware and am fairly vigilant with using them. I get very little spam or pop ups. You need to be aware that you can go to a site and have a pop up that didn’t originate at that site.
Download Adaware, its free and do lots of updates. Go to your cookies and delete almost all of them, you only need a few. Go to your “temporary cookies” file and delete everything there. Adaware will also discover some of the spy ware stuff that is in your computer bringing you the junk… a very good value adaware is when you consider it is free.
In fact, you can delete all your cookies but it means you will have to resign in to the forums you belong to.
Go to “tools” at the top of your screen, then “internet options”, then to delete cookies - this will get rid of your temporary cookies only.
Then tab on “start” , then “find”, then type in cookies, and that will take you to your cookies file, and start deleting. Some of you will be at it for hours… lol.
If you’re lazy, run adaware first which will get rid of many cookies, then delete the rest.
Plus about a dozen that have nothing to do with trains. I used to belong to more, but I drop out occasionally to keep from getting swamped with emails.
Yahoo Groups are one of the best real RR research tools online today.
From all indications above,it seems like the yahoo groups are more of a hassel than thier worth…too bad!
Actually the Yahoo Groups are lot more focused for the most part than the MR forum. There is about 10-20 times more pure chat and drivel on the MR forums, more actual accurate information on the Yahoo Groups, at least the ones I subscribe to. Plus on the Yahoo groups you can post pictures and plans for comments etc. Much more versatile than the MR forum. Since there are no “stars” so you avoid thirty threads of people congratulating each other for having high frequent poster miles. Many of the groups are moderated so you don’t have the flame wars so common around here. If you take the time to set it up right, you won’t get spam, but will get better info on more focused topics.
Dave H.
I belong to about a dozen Yahoo groups, not all train related. I don’t like the individual message format. Is there a way to link the threads, rather than look at each message or expanding the messages? Because of this I only visit Yahoo once or twice a week.
I have my preferences set so I get no e-mails and I haven’t received any spam from them.
Yes. I belong to The On30 Conspiracy and The Weathering Groups.