I am in the planning phase of an expansion to my exisiting 8x4 layout (HO scale). I want to have an additional 8x4, but I only want it to be set as a yard/engine servicing facility.
I know all the parts of such a facility, and would like to avoid reinventing the wheel if possible. I’m wondering if anyone can recommend some useful websites which would show some good yard track plans?
Appreciate your help.
The best resource I know for yard design is in the book “Track Planning for Realistic Operation” by John Armstrong (click on highlited words for link)
I was going to recommend Armstrongs Track Planning for Realistic Operation myself before I read gsetter’s post.
The Layout Design SIG, which is affiliated with NMRA has a Yahoo list you can join to get access to their mailing list and files on vaious layout design issues.
You might some ideas from this site.
If space is a problem for you, there’s another Yahoo list for small layout design-
Good luck,
This book is an absolute must read for anyone interested in operations or planning a layout that they wi***o be even remotely prototypical. I read a lot, and this is the BEST model railroading book I have ever read. Get it!!!
The recent Kalmbach book on Freight Yards is also a useful resource.