Yellow box kits?

When I was a tyke, my brothers built some structures from kits that came in yellow boxes. I faintly recall the hobby shop we went to in Bar Mills (not Bar Mills Modelworks. Long before them) had the shelves full of them.

Does anyone recognize these and are they still made?

Rob Carignan
Portland, Maine

Suydam used a yellow box for their building kits ( I have the box on the table). I know they changed their name at least once. A similar question on the layout forum got the response the new name is Alpine Models. Joe


Those structure kits sound like they could be from the E. Suydam & Company collection from the 50’s and 60’s, or somewhere around then. I have about ten of them waiting to be put together. They appear to be not for the bashful-mostly metallic, wood, and cardstock. Whenever I go to a swap meet, etc., I look for them. I have also found them on eBay. Hope this puts you on the right path.

FSM (FINE SCALE MINATURES) were all yellow but 2. But I doubt your local hobbie shop had shelves full of them.

The very first kit I built when I entered the hobby a couple years ago was this station. The Blacksmith shop behind it, was my second kit and it was made by the same company.

Most likely they were Suydam.

I absolutely love these kits (the cardstock kits). Most are perfect for modeling Southern California during the 1950s. I’ve built their Interlocking Tower, Ed’s Market, Brown Bungalow, Sunkist Citrus Exchange, and Mission Style Station.

The kits are not that difficult to build and the cardstock takes paint better then any other material I’ve used for buildings. I like how most come with interior details and some even come with lights. I miss this level of detail in more modern kits. I’m always looking for more Suydam to add to the layout. I’d like to add the lumber yard next, just have to find a complete kit first.

Try this link to see if these are the “yellow boxes” you remember:


This is the current day company that has a few of the original Suydam kits:

Alpine Division Scale Models

E. Suydam & Company became Alpine Scale.

They offer an abbrieviated version of the old Suydam line.


That’s them!

Thanks everyone. I can now sleep at night.