York Train Show- Less than 3 weeks

What is everyone buying at the train show in April?? I know I am looking for some switches for my standard guage trains. And some bumpers, and maybe a car or two. thanks.

Probably the new Miller Engineering “Zippo Lighter” sign, and the latest Arttista people offerings. Most of my time will be spent helping to run our modular layout in the Black Hall.

I usually spend less than $100. at York. I just love looking through 8 buildings filled with train stuff. Joe

Miller Engineering’s Domino Sugar sign and a trunk full of scenery materials… ok maybe not a trunk full but quite a bit. Depending on what I find I may pickup some buildings for the city and other buildings for the layout.

Since I’m getting close to finishing the track, and hope to have that done this week, I’ll have a good idea what I can get.

Cars, trees and people. Maybe a dancing girl or two, 1.5 inch size of course.[:O]


Hey Lionroar you could put the Dominos sign on a factory and add some smoke units and replicate the Dominos plant that blew up here in Baltimore a few months ago

LOL!!! That would be so wrong. Actually it is going to go ontop of a kitbash factory. I hope to make it long enough and tall enough to act as a ‘site break’ between the town and the other side of the layout. Also need to check with Perry again to see where he got the smoke units for his ‘Alien Power Generator’ as I’m hoping to add a couple smoking smoke stacks to it.