You are missing out . . . .

If you don’t list an email addy so people can contact you. Now some of you will agree and some of you will disagree. That my friends is life. But I bet that those who do have an email listed will tell you that it only enhances the forum experience. There are very few days where I don’t get an email from a forum member. Many people have emailed me pictures. When I send out pics I now use the Address Book.

If I had to do it all over again, I would have listed my email address sooner. People will email me and share something with me that they didn’t want to share with the whole forum. I haven’t had any problems. I have been misunderstood a time or two, but given the chance a misunderstanding can be worked out.

Bergie said in a thread before Christmas that the Christmas cards would be flying through the mail. They were. [:)] Since then I have added more people to my address book.

Not only do I have a forum family, I also have an MSN Messenger family. This too, enhances the forum experience. Sometimes I share things with a lot of people at one time through emails, then other times only a selected few will receive the email.

People who are shy might not make a post for the world to see. People who are shy will however, send an email.

I understand some people may be very security conscience. They may not want to post an email addy for everyone to see. They can still email the others who have an email address listed.

My info is posted. Feel free to email me any time. (Those who have my phone number – no 4 am calls please.) [;)]

It is a big world out there. The internet is making it a little smaller. Reach out and email someone. Hey, what do ya say? [:)] [8D] [:D]


and for those that are security conscious, you can get a FREE e-mail address from yahoo or hotmail and use that for here… i did

What? You mean you don’t want the courtesy 4am wake up call??

BTW…if you DO get one of those calls, and you hear PUT PUT PUT PUT PUT PUT PUT PUT PUT…It’s NOT me LOL [:o)][(-D][(-D][:-,]

Take care,


Jim I culdn’t agree with you more, I think it’s a great idea. I have my E-mail and everyhting uptodate, although i keep getting screwed over by people at who cna’t even host my picture properly

That aside, Everyone should have a valid E-Mail addy on here, If i was forum director I would make it manditory. Good thing i’m not, and Like Mike said, it would only be manditory Because YOU can easily make a fake E-mail addres, ok Fake bad word- Another E-mail address , that has your name as “Red Lolipop” (Thats Mr. Lolipop to you!) who lives on the corner of timbuktu and park place! so there REALLy is no reason you don’t have an E-mail on here.

i have also noticed that certain people who i know are on MSN dont have their msn addy’s listed here…

P.s Jim why can’t I call at 4AM, it’s not like you are asleep then anyways!

Kev, just because YOU do have my number, please don’t call then. I get in bed about 230 am most mornings. By 4 am I am sleeping well, by 8 am Duchess decides it is time to get up. So about 5 hours max is how much sleep I get.

Now should there be an emergency that is a different story.

What would YOU consider an emergency? does it count if the caller is in a trunk on the way to the dock?

People are missing out. If you dont want to meet new people here, then doesn’t it defeat the whole purpose of visiting these forums?
You can email me anytime…just no junk please. Get MSN messenger too, while you’re at it.

Eminem does that, doesn’t he?.. I think of all people it was his Girlfriend too.

there seems to be a good number of people from the same state, and near by within a state; if your show your e-mail, you might be able to find new railfanning places and find out other tidbits about your area.

Good point.

Also you can have some new train watching friends who will “chase” trains with you.

either through the forums or through instant messageing a lot of new info has been brought to light.thanks to everyone.
stay safe

Let me play devil’s advocate for a moment:

Some of us work for a living and having more e-mail to respond to could be too much

Anything that is said between members should be phrased so that it can be read by everyone. It’s amazing what some people will say in private that they won’t say in public.

OK I’m done. I also admit I think it’s a good idea, I’m just a little reluctant.

I believe that our conversation, here in the forums, should be such that not one person would be offended. This is a goal that most likely is not achievable. It is simply too easy to make a statement that could be inturrpeted in a way that the speaker had not intended. Then they are some who simply love to throw a little “fuel” on the fire, then sit back and watch the 3-alarm fire that consumes the thread. Kenno posted some Bible verses in a thread earlier today. I read these verses from the book of James. They are powerful, and a much needed reminder about the tongue and the trouble it can cause. We should all strive to make our conversation as non-offensive as possible.

As far as making comments that “everyone” in the forum could read, let me say this. Many times I get an email from someone to update me on personal issues. Some of these issues are health related and the “sender” only wanted me to know how they were doing and what was going on in their life. Sometimes these issues are for special circumstances in their life that they are sharing with me in private, sometimes asking for advice or prayer. So I am only too happy to help or lend an ear.

Now about pictures. I love receiving pics that you have taken and want to share with me. Railroads pics are great, but I appreciate other items as well. Don’t be afraid to send me an email or pic.

If you would like to see something posted but would rather not post it yourself, then you may send it to me. I don’t guarantee that I will post everything but will take a look at it and see about posting it. I will give you credit if you want me to, or leave you out of the picture if you so desire.

As I have said before, I have worked a lot with youth in churches I have attended. I am a “youth” minded person and have a tendacy to “watch out” for them. I very much believe in setting a good example for them to follow and don’t take lightly of posts which do otherwise.

Most of you know that

here here


Yes, you are missing out.

Just last night in our msn chat, I was able to provide some info that helped someone accomplish a task that they were having trouble with. This saved them a lot of time and work.

It certainly is nice to know that your forum family would check on you to see how things are going. And that they would lift you up and make you smile or encourage you. These things have happened to me and I also do the same for others. When you email the forum members most of them reply if they have their email addy showing. For those who don’t you really are missing out on friendships, fun, email, pics, etc. etc. etc…

As Mikey Gaw pointed out, you can get a hotmail account or a juno account and use it. This way you don’t give out your main email address unless you want to do so.

I know several forum members who are planning trips to see each other and railfan together. That is super. Why. Because they formed friendships by email and in the forums. Modelers can help each other with problems. Have many times have you wanted to make a post but were embarrassed to do so? But you might ask one or two email friends about your situation and get some helpful info.

I have received phone calls from forum members and have mailed things to forums members. They have called me also and send me things also. You really are missing out by being a “no show” for your email addy.

Consider getting a hotmail account and using it for your forum email. I use my regular aol account and have had no problems. You can try it for a while and even close the account if you really think it is necessary. But why not try it?

Okay okay okay…so I dumped a little fuel…I was just trying to lower the landing weight some and get the speeds down…not my fault there was a fire going down there…or I mighta dumped the whole tank…

JP-5 …the precious fluid ensuring your freedom…

he he he stir the pot stir the pot

Yeah, and Dan is going to take me flying in the big sky cow. We are gonna practice dropping fish at the F*****, much more fun than MRE heater bombs. [;)]