you have the right to remain silent..

Now that we’ve taken up sex i should give my 2 cents for free

I suppose you all know i have a GF. No we havn’t had Sex… were waiting to get married thjen well ahve all the sex we want.

that doesn’t mean i havn’t seen her naked… the first time it was so unexpeced… i was shaving and she walked out of the shower…

thats when i fainted…

had a rather big bump on my head after that morning… she thought it was histerical…

I bet you it left a scar!

oh that was my story… i forgot to sign it

Detour KEv…

it’s the Canadian way to faint!!

ok… you can all laugh now

Hey, Jen my girl (ex for now) really digs being spontaneous. Kind of a turn on for us. We still take the quality approach most of the time, but, it is still fun to go at it like teenagers every once in awhile. Give it a try, your hubby may like it too.

Kev, its not true love until she will stand there brushing her teeth while you sit on the throne doing your business while you two chat about bills. Now that my friend is true love. When that happens, it is time for marriage.

Zardoz? You do have diverse interests, don’t you? I bet most of the folks totally missed that reference. I’ve yet to meet anyone who ever heard of that movie.

Ken - the visual of your last line has me on the floor!!! I don’t dare comment any further!


Hi Gerald - missed your postings.

You will have to clue me in - what is a Zardoz, besides the handle of someone out there?


if ed wouldnt have made the remark about sex i would have never started this. but i have seen some strange things here. kev i been married for sometime and when i was younger i went by the motto if you have a corvette why keep it in the garage. now that is where i keep her.( the car i dont want my wife in my garage) and jenny why not be spur of the moment. and ken If i am on the thrown aint nobody else going to be in there. It is the only place i can go for a few minutes and get peace and quiet.

Kevin - you didn’t need to sign it, we knew who it was! It was the French accent that was a dead give-away.

Ken - imagine - the forum was upset with the swearing - they are probably having a stroke over this!


Wabash - I will only say that one of us is and one isn’t. Now you figure out the rest! And I am so relieved that you don’t keep your wife in the garage!

I am so having trouble eating lunch - I keep laughing!


Yeah, but who you gonna call when the paper runs out?

Hey i was jsut in the washroom and i was told i was the one… or my head did… i chipped the Porcelaine sink… if anyone wanted to know what i hit my head on on my way down…

I awake 10 minutes later… seeing stars… and eharing a voice “if this is what your always gonna do when i’m naked… were going to have a problem…”

or soemthing to that effect… i was too busy concentrating on the pain my head was causing.

Detour Kev.

Hi Kev,
Still trying to come up with a reply that,
A: Wont get me slapped silly by my wife,
B: Wont get me slapped silly by my wife,
C: Wont make jenny snort her tuna on rye out her nose.( got a friend to do that with rice once, really a strange and funny thing to see)
Stay Frosty,

Kevin - my co-workers enjoyed this one.


Ok heres the deal…

A) oh great, now all america knows.

B) don’t tell my GF or i’ll get slapped silly by her! (it’s ok IF SHE tells her firends… but the few people I tell… it’s NOT COOL!.. for some weird woman reason.)

She checks on here some days so maybe she won’t notice… gulps

Detour, uni, soon to be killed, head Kev.

It was addressed toward CABFORWARD.

there is plenty i use the print outs from the M&Ms when i run out of regular paper. Its just as soft as the stuff in our crew paks.

welcome to life with a few rules

  1. anything a woman does is fine you are not to say anything about it.

  2. If you want to do something you need her permission. no matter what it is. that is if you want to be happy.

now to ed go ahead and say it she wont slap hard. she may need you to do something later. and dont worry about jenny tuna dont come thru the nose easy. now that coke she is drinking might make her coworkers alittle uneasy. people tend not to talk to you when you are foaming at the nose.


OH! must have missed a few threads.
