You Know You're too much into Trains When....

You know you’re too much into trains when…
…you have read every word on the steam vs. diesel thread
…you’ve lubricated journals, used a link and pin coupler, and blown down a hydrostatic lubricator, but are a software salesman born in 1977
…it takes three AC-12’s running outside to pull you away from the RS-3 on your computer screen
…the bumper sticker that says “My other car is a UP SD9” is true
…you put on a hymn CD when you look at pictures of WM 2-10-0’s
…you listen to steam recordings when in church
…you can quote Scripture as saying that the Big Cheese is a railfan
…you think that being in the cab of a big steamer when it’s 113 degrees out would be fun
…you tried it, and it was fun
…as a steam freak, you think, “Why could anybody not like steam?”
…as a diesel freak, you think, “Why could could anybody like steam?”
…as a traction freak, you think “Can’t we all just get along?”
…you have traced out, and thoroughly understand, the motions of the K, AB, ABD, and ABX triple valves in all positions
…you made a hangglider so that you could chase trains more effectively
…your car is black with green interior, with all controls painted red
…your other car is yellow with grey interior, and all controls moving in a horizontal arc
…you installed a brake stand cutout **** for use as a footrest
…you are slapped for simply describing your repairs to feedwater delivery mechanisms on a steamer, and the valves associated with them
…you can tell the D&RGW 487 from the 488 by listening to the air compressor
…you could be blindfolded, bound and gagged, beaten, and tied to the tracks, and wonder on what railroad you were put
…your attempts to use a handbrake wheel as a frisby didn’t work so well
…the forum fires you take part in could fire a Big Boy for a year
…you think that global warming will increase a locomotive’s thermal efficiency

a few more of my own
You are heartbroken when you see a rusting steam loco
you can understand why people think your odd
you change your poltical stance to democrat in hopes of saving amtrak
you become angry when people call trains choo choo trains
you paint your car in the color scheme of your favorote railroad
you put a number on your car
you replace the horn on your car with a steam whistle
you can identify a steam loco by its whistle

…you see this topic come up about every 6 months or so

…you have more model locomotives than the total of the UP, BNSF, NS, and CSX fleets
…your car has air horns from a diesel locomotive on the roof
…railroads call you up for advice on how to fix their engines
…you’ve actually left work early to watch the freight train come through town…and the tracks are less than a block away.

(As I’m typing this, an NS coal drag is going by, hehe)

You remember the old forum setup and liked it…

Your standing Trackside Photographing and Video tapeing Trains when people drive by and look at you like your a complete stupid moron. God I just love my Hobby.

When you can tell the sound sound difference between the GEVO and the Dash-9 while driving along side one at 70

You can tell what type of train is coming by the horn and engine drone before you even see it.

If you get lost while driving you suddenly know where you are when you find a set of tracks.

done it.

I ought to try that some time.

I would. I’d also wonder what locomotive ran me over.

that’s a good idea.


You can tell when when you notice this topic comes up about 12 times a YEAR

You lull yourself to sleep on a summer night by the squealing of the retarders on Clearing’s hump.
You tell your stepson when he’s giving the directions to the tuxedo shop for his wedding that if it’s near the tracks you can find it.
The license plate on your car is IHB 2920.

when you have too much to type in the reply space allowed
stay safe

You Railfan in 105 Degree Weather… in the middle of the worse Chicago Heat Wave in 10 Years.

You risk arrest by [}:)][banghead]railfanning in New York state(a/k/a New York Soviet Socialist Republic), where by secret [:slight_smile:]“law” what you are doing is illegal! And every Police officer[:o)] [D)]is a counter-terrorism expert, and[:(] act like they are behind the old Iron Curtain![:(!]

You read the first post on this thread,and after reading the bumper sticker coment,your first thought is “UP never had SD9s”.

You will NEVER get over the fact they scrapped all your favorite steamers (EM-1,in my case)
You try to tell the body shop what Bando Blue (or Armour Yellow,etc.) is.
Your house is painted in your favorite RR lineside colors.
Nearly all your bookmarks are train sites.
You want Discovery to start a train channel.

Kurn, you are right…Theres already a Discovery Airplane channel…Why not a Discovery Rail Channel!

Whats so special about Airplanes anyway?

you look at the statement “nearley all your booksmarks are train sites” and look and they are

also you read the statement you “railfan in 105 degree weather” and think I have done in 118 degree weather and think your better

one other one your like make up your own dream railraod on the computer and make a system map company profile and paint up a bunch of locomotives in MS paint and have no idea why your doing it

Anyone else put an air horn and coupler on there dads trucK! HAHAHA Its so muhc fun HAHAH!