You might be a model railroader if...

I saw a similar post over on the model car forum. Feel free to add to it!

…you owe the hobby shop more than your annual income
…you have more x-acto knives than kitchen knives
…you cut your thumb off while building benchwork, but refused to head to the hospital

… you ignore the whispered sweet nothings of your wife to finish working on that kit you just bought.
…you fall asleep every night dreaming of the layout you want to build.

…you and a group of others stand outside your favorite hobby store with
(insert favorite beverage here) and say…yup, yup yeah.

…you call the owner of the hobby store at 3am to see if your ordered kit has come in.

…you sleep with a baby monitor on the nightstand in case the family dog or cat somehow gets on the layout.

… she just can’t understand why a layout would make such a nice centerpiece in the living room.

…the kids eat off TV trays because the kitchen table is covered with parts from your latest kit.

…in your sleep you mumble “2-8-0”, “4-6-4” etc.

…you buy a SD40 as a gift for your newborn nephew and spend years breaking it in for him.

YOU use Atlas motor bearing lube to cook french fries

You tell the realestate agent that you and your wife are looking for a very large train room with an attached house[:p][:p][:D]

If you use an HO scale ruler to mesure the living room for new carpet.

you try to figure out how many locomotives it would take to move your children’s wagon

If you drive around the block ten times to purposely get stopped by a train at the gates…

MR has your favorite centerfolds.
You have a better selection than the hobby store.

…the hobby shop calls you for advice
…you’ve actually been kept awake wondering if that new brass SD40 has arrived yet

[:p]I you take the family car down to the local paint and body, and have them repaint it in your favorite RR Paint Job, for me it was NYC, lightning stripes and all.[:p][:p][:p][:D][:D][:D]

You actually went out and got a Radio-Flyer wagon to “move things around” in your workshop… Er, I have one… painted up in PC MoW yellow :slight_smile:

… you go to your local hobby shop and EVERYONE (including the mailman) knows your name.
… you name your first born son “Burlington” and your first born daughter “Chessie”
… you remove family pictures from photo frames and replace them with snapshots of your favorite locos.
… you carry around your camera at ALL TIMES just in case you see a train.
… you have a pickup truck with a painted diorama of your favorite loco on the tailgate.
… you rent out the rest of your house because you only ‘live’ in your train room.
… you only speak in abbreviations: “SP EMD SD 40T-2” or when ordering fast food: “BK W with L FF and L DP”
… your credit card has your favorite railroad as the graphic
… you put your hobby store owner’s kids through college …and grad school.
… you have boxers with your favorite railroad’s logo on them.
… you have a bumper sticker that says “My other vehicle is an Dash 8 40B”
… you replace your steering wheel in your vehicle with a brake wheel.
… you install a five chime air horn in your truck …and a bell!
… you install sand lines on your vehicle …for those icy winter days.
… the only presents you get are gift certificates for the local train shop.
… your spouse goes to a ‘Model Railroad Widows’ support group.

patent this quick b4 someone else does! Ford might pay you a fortune!

Your wife opens the basement door and asks:
You to stop running for 1hour the trains are interfering with the TV reception.
Why are all the lights out and what are all those little spots of light.
How many Trians do you have running, the lights just drew down.
Is there enough left from your paycheck to buy groceries.
Is that a real train down there.( New sound system works well)
Are you chasing the cat again with the trains, the cat just ran under the bed screaming.

…you take down family photos off of the entertainment center and replace them with your favorite rolling stock in display cases.

You might be a model railroader if you are reading this![:p][:p]

Now was that good or what![^][:D]

…You’ve actually tried to write off model railroad expenses on your income taxes.
…You have more engines than the 1:1 scale railroads
…You think that “Depot green” and “coach green” would look good on the 1:1 house you just bought

Your computer password includes road name and number
When the light turns green you tap the horn 2 quick beeps
At the grade crossing you look for old cars still in service (fallen flags still flying)