make sure to watch the video and look at the photo album
That is nothing short of amazing! Thanks for sharing. [tup]
Ver-r-ry interesting.
Unfortunately, having spent the major part of my earlier life where the predominant aroma was burned jet fuel, this is a long way away from any possible list of my givens and druthers. Still, it’s an excellent example of what can be done when somebody decides to spend the time and $$$. OTOH, when somebody quotes a price in megabucks, I tend to break out in hives. I have the time, but not the money.
Chuck (Modeling Central Japan in September, 1964 - on a frayed shoestring)
This is actually the newest addition to the “Miniatur-Wunderland” in Hamburg. Given that they are constantly expanding their exhibit, I assume that it must make them more money than they spend building it.
They really just look like they took tilt shifted photos of a real airport. Insanely detailed!
Ya but, is that runway foam or plywood, or foam on plywood, and how long did they argue about it.[(-D]
It´s amazing what $4 000 000 can do… And yes; they do a major profit on that business!
That system for making the planes take off may be obvious, but who cares? that is just so neat! They did an amazing job on the detail and scenery and that’s a seriously innovative plane system. Thanks for sharing!
What is amazing to me is someone spent $4.8 million on it. Now that’s spending money on a toy and my girl friend thinks I spend too much money on trains. Thanks for posting it’ll make my life easier.
Wow, it’s so wide, they probably had guys supended from the ceiling…[swg] Great, anyway, I’d say it good, but I’ve never been one for air transport, cause there were never any steam planes…[swg]
Wow! nobody does detail like the Germans. Is the scale mentioned anywhere?
It’s HO scale. have footage of it on tape which I got for Christmas, amazing either way![:D]
In general, “Miniatur-Wunderland” is HO. However, I read somewhere that the planes are 1:100.
The pictures are impressive.
Now if I had just 10% of their budget, hmmmmmmmmmm
I would love to help build something like that as long as I didn’t have to dust it!
Let us hope that aviation is merely a passing fancy . . . . . a toy of the idle rich . . . . . soon they will grow weary of it and consign it to the dustbin and we can then return to more practical modes of transportation!
A gentleman was taking his first airplane flight . . . . . this took place in the old piston engine days . . . . . and he was observing the engines on the right wing when one of them stopped; then a second stopped; and then one of the engines on the left wing stopped. This gentleman became very excited and suddeny burst out. “Lord, I’m a wealthy man and if you’ll get me out of this mess I’ll give you half of everything I own.” Almost immediatelyt the engines sprang back to life and they continued on to their destination.
As he left the airplane another gentleman came running up behind him. “Sir,” he said; “I’m a preacher! I heard what you said there awhile back and I’d like to put in for some of that money you’re gonna give away!”
“I made a better deal,” the first gentleman said. “I told the Lord that if I ever got back on one of these contraptions He could have all of it!”
All i have to say is WOWWWWW !
Got to go there soon - it´s only a 35 min. drive from my place [(-D]
If you cound afford to spend $4.8 million on a train layout… you could afford to hire someone to dust it for you. That is one neat video of incredible modeling.
Hey sir Madog! Sie sind so glücklich!
No, I don’t know too much german, but my grandather has taught me some…[(-D]