Your last train ride? where'd you go? what'cha do


I’m curious what railroad trips/rides people are taking.

My most recent was a ride on the hobo railroad from laconia NH to Plymouth NH and back as part of a railroad promotion thing. It was neat to see the different stations laconia, ashland, plymouth and they even stopped in plymouth for lunch.

I guess I’m really lucky living in New Hampshire as they have several active passenger railroads, some leaning toward the historic… like the cog railway that goes up mount washington or the wood fired steam engine at clarks trading post that takes you out to see the “wolfman” . There is even a couple of decent model railroad shops that’s not too far away.


Train excursion for the 2002 Galesburg Railroad days festivities. It was such a pity that they did not have this year as well as the BNSF Railroad backed out.

Last tourist trip: The Abilene & Smokey Valley RR in Abilene, KS in September.

Last month from Baldwin City, KS to Norrington & back going through “Nowhere” on the Midland Railway. Got a cab ride on the trip back. It was in the old Burlington switcher. Would have really loved to ride in one of their old Rock Island E’s, but it was my first cab ride, so I was very happy nonetheless.

I took the Northlander (ONR) from Toronto to North Bay last July. My first real train trip since 1990. Next summer it’ll be the Algoma Central from Sault Ste Marie to Hearst.

I rode that train in 1994. How’s that steam engine coming along? Any news on how close they think they are to get it working again?

I didn’t see the steam loco on the property. I’ll have to check the newsletter I picked up to see if there’s anything in there about it. They were working on opening the line up from Norrington to Ottawa.

Last train ride: 2 weeks ago at the Mid Continent Railway Museum in Wisconsin.

Where’d you go?: On a relaxing trip through the Baraboo Hills. Lots of families and kids were along for a special “Pumpkin Patch” trip.

What’ch do?: I was the train conductor. (At MId Continent we provide training for all of the operating crafts–no prior experience is required for the entry-level position.)

My last train trip?
I made a round trip from Red Wing, MN to Columbus, WI. I was actually visiting the relatives, as my older brother was getting married. The cab fare to Madison was actually more expensive that the round trip ticket on the train [:(]. However, everything worked out for the best. I wish Amtrk would go through Madison, WI, though. Oh, Well. One can always dream.

last train ride was last weekend…coal drag in south western PA… trip from hell…major power problems… and made overtime…lol

Sat. Oct. 25 I was on the Lancaster and Chester’s SilverStreamliner Express,adinner train that went from the station in Lancaster, SC to Heath Springs, then back through Lancaster on the original line where dinner was served over the river. It was exciting as the trip down to Heath Springs was the first time a passenger train had been on that line since the 1940s. It was an ex-Southern line recently bought by the L&C. The dinner train was an event to help raise money for the Friends of Andrew Jackson State Park in Lancaster.

Sat. October 25th, took a trip on the Great Smokey Mountain Railway in Western NC. The train departed Dillsboro, NC and arrived in Bryson City, NC on a round trip excursion. We passed by the two locomotives and bus used in the crash scene of the movie “The Fugitive.” The fall foliage was great in the NC mountains. We rode in an open air car and I got some great video shots.

Last August. Around trip from Chicago to D.C. on Amtrak to visit my soldier son.
Got to get a tour of the Pentagon where my son works.

our last train ride was the cincinnati zoo. we also checked out Bellevue Ohio this summer.
stay safe

I went to Montreal and Quebec City for a working vacation in July. I was interested in visiting the museum in Delson and I also did the historic thing in Quebec City. On my way back I took in an Expo game at the “Big O”.

Last time i rode a train was this April when Alaska Railroad had an open house.
The good news- it was free. The bad news- we didn’t even go that far. But it works for me.

Last ride was a month ago when I was a brakeman at my employeer’s small railyard.We spent a hour sorting out bad covered hoppers using a 35 ton GE.It can move 6 loads or 27 empties.

About two weeks ago my wife & I, as part of a tour took an overnight train from near Fatima, Portugal thru Spain to Hedenye, France. Hedenye is just over border in France near the coast.Trip time about 12 hours. Had a nice double compartment with berths one above the other. Guess who got the top bunk? Spain and Portugal are broad gauge 5 feet so no trains run thru between Spain/Portugal and other European countries. At times we hit 100+ MPH. Very clean. Super food in diner and nice club car. And guess what?? It ran on time!!
It’s a shame we have to go to Europe to ride fast, clean, and frequent trains. Later on this trip we used a French high speed TGV train. On the track dedicated for this service we hit 180+ MPG, smooth as silk.

All that said, it was great to return to good ole USA, Next week is a trip Philadelphia to Washington and return next day on NE Corridor. Got a super RT Fare of $76 including senior diecount; still can’t believe it!

A day without trains is wasted!

last one I took was introducing my girlfriend to rail travel on Via’s The Ocean out to Gaspe and back from Montreal. Couldn’t have been more please in every aspect of the trip, VIa is first class.

my most resent trip was on a shortline train in wisconsin it was fun I think