My wife and I joined our local club a few months ago and have become very active with them. It is just 5 miles from our home. How far away from your local club are you and are you a member and active?
28 miles, and we have 11 members. 27x27 ft layout (HO). Jim
I ‘commute’ to a club 45 miles away almost every week. If it were closer I’d be one of the group that works on the railroad twice a week.
Supposedly there is one 126 miles from me. I am not a member nor have I ever been to the club.
My local club is about a 10 mile drive from my house. I’ve been an active member and officer for many years now.
25 miles away and I am not a member.
No idea how many “miles” it is (what are those?) but it’s about 5-6 minutes away. I am not a member because I still have hair that didn’t turn gray yet, and feel too young. This Christmas I drug my family to the display, and I swear the youngest operator was a spry 105 or so.
There’s another club on the other side of the river from me that seems to have members who still have hair (plus bonus points for having dark hair), but it’s farther away and I haven’t gotten around to scoping it out since moving into the area a few years ago.
I’m fortunate that the Pacific Southern Railway is only 12 miles away. It’s been around since the early 60s and is pretty casual.
Lately I’ve missed quite a few operating sessions because of work. I found the construction (scenery) cycle leading up to several open houses more interesting.
I wish other responders would identify their clubs and provide links if available.
Less then a mile and I’m active during the warmer months since the building is cold and damp during the winter even with the fuel oil stove lit.
The club I belong to is 45 miles from where I live. HO, N and O gauges. Easy going, laid back club, meets once a week. Around 30 members of all ages and occupations. Two permanent layouts at the club in HO and N, two modular layouts for shows in HO and N-T-Trak. The club appears at 9-10 shows during the year with the modular layouts.
5 minutes, and a very active member of the Mid Mon Valley Model Railroad Club in New Eagle PA.
This will be my third full year of membership in my club The "Grand River Valley RR club.We are about 5years old have both N and HO layouts with roughly 20 members.
There are 4 clubs in the Grand Rapids,MI. area with memberships ranging from the very low teens to upwards of 30 plus.
My club is about 20 miles from the house, I am active and an officer these past 5 years. My old job kept me from joining as I traveled a lot and the normal meeting day was a travel day for me.
When I lived in Anchorage belonged to a club there and made all the meetings and was very active as there were few home layouts as there were few basements.
Rick Jesionowski
One mile away and another is 10 miles. Too busy with work to join.
Five miles, I went to a few meetings about 20 years ago but it didn’t do much for me. I guess I’m just a loner and like doing my own thing.
Modeling the early to mid 1950s SP in HO scale since 1951
My Model Railroad
Bakersfield, California
I’m beginning to realize that aging is not for wimps.
When I belonged to a startup club several years ago it was a 25 min. drive from my house. I have moved since then and the only club I’m aware of near me is more than an hour’s drive away.
Here in the west burbs of Chicago there are quite a few clubs, I go to one about 25 miles away.
Nearest club is about 1:30 (1.5 hrs) away, not a member.
Great idea Greg.
Our club is the Crescent City Model Railroad Club in Metairie, LA just outside of New Orleans.
Here is a link to our club:
We have about 20 members and our layout is HO and is 24 feet x 128 feet with 400 feet of mainline.
Our club was founded in 1956 and we are turning 60 years old this year.
The Crescent Lines is a fictional railroad that connects the Crescent City (New Orleans) to Shreveport via the Alexandria Line and to Vicksburg via Natchez.
Club is 12 miles from the house. It’s full up at 30 members. There are two clubs closer but they mostly do roundy-round running and open houses. Knew lots of the members but didn’t join until I got off of working nights, weekends and holidays, and raising kids.