I model mainly in HO, but I do have a leaning to “O” scale, Thats true “O” scale of cause (7mm to foot).
In Oz.
I model mainly in HO, but I do have a leaning to “O” scale, Thats true “O” scale of cause (7mm to foot).
In Oz.
HO seems to be the best compromise between detail and available square footage in which to model. I’m sure we would all love to commandeer most (if not all) of the house, but a happy marriage requires tact and compromise. Someday I hope to actually own a house and then start my very own train room! Well, we all have our dreams…
I model in 2 rail O Scale. The items that are currently available are better than ever. I was a Lionel/Marx collector for many years I thought about returning to HO, but there is just too much excitement about modelling 2 rail O scale.
Larry Barwick
I model in HO but also enjoy my prewar Lionel
I use HO most of the time (mostly HOn30), but do occasionally build a kit in On2 or OO9
Home layout is HO but have some N as I belong to a British Columbia N track club, TraiNgang. Great bunch of people.
I prefer N scale because I like miniatures, but I also have some HO scale in Fleischmann - great models!!
I model in HO scale, with Marklin European rolling stock, but do dabble in
O scale with Lionel and have some G scale which I hope to get outdoors
sometime in the future.
My first train was an AF 293 set for Christmas in 1953. Couldn’t afford to add much to that until the trains were relegated to storage during my service, college and early married years. Added a few collections during the time but no place to display or operate. My 14 year old Son discovered the sets two years ago and guess what, we both love S. S-guage with all the great new items from S-Helper, American Models, DesPlaines Hobbies and yes it appears Lionel is seriously trying to get back into the game, to list just some of the major players, offer a wider than ever assortment that is of great quality and reasonably affordable. I have not even touched on the great brass items out there also. I have no plans to switch from a “HiRail-scaler” in S. The old AF runs and mixes just fine with the new and there is more available than ever before.
when kids started with chilean G gauge, with my brother. Today the Ho scale permits self constructing and modify the model to reproduce real and actual locos and cars.
Started with HO in the seventies, and so far I’ve stuck to it. If I were to change I’d go to S, but that doesn’t look likely at this point.
I have a slug of stuff, all HO, that I’m in the process of building, but, given the things coming out now, I wish I had started in N…The Amtrak and Sounder cars just released have me dreaming of a BIG Seattle King Street Station with the Empire Builder, Coast Starlighter, etc…but I can’t do it in HO, due to space limitiation… decisions, decisions…
Well it was O first around the tree. Then, N scale, but quality N cost too much and not enough details or equipment available. N is too small for me to scratch build what I want so It’ HO from now on.
I model Ho scale. I think it is the most pouplar and has the most in products for the modeler and fits most anywhere space wise.
HO is my primary scale; there is just so much available in it and its a good compromise bewteen size of the trains and the amount of room needed. However, I dabble in both N (the trains do not overwhelm the scene and the amount of detail has increased amazingly over the past few years) and O Scale (the size of the trains is very impressive but the room requirement is daunting).
Hey Ya’ll: I’m just waiting for a R-T-R locomotive and a series of plastic kits in TT scale!
HO. First the best. Now the best. Always the best.
I model mainly HO, but I have some Lionel (including my very first 027 Model 2018 2-6-4. I’m starting in N scale, having just joined the Troy (OH) N scale railroaders.
N scale. I have been modeling in N since 1965
N-Scale all the way. The growth in N is phenominal right now, with new, high quality products being released in droves.
When I get old and gray and can’t see anymore, I plan to jump straight to O-scale…a nice little switching layout with all the bells and whistles. (literally!!!)